As you may have read in prior posts, I have told you how my folks were good card carrying members of unions. My dad has retired and my mom left the union world for the (GASP) management world. That, however, is not why I know there IS hope for us all!
Today, we can have hope because yesterday I got a call from my mom and after beating her up for a few months, she finally conceded to me that maybe, just maybe, the Libs in Congress ARE the problem and that we should not blame everything on W and the Republicans......a word of caution, just because someone wears the jersey of Republican, does NOT necessarily mean that person is a Conservative.
I had told my mom about 3 months ago, that if the President and Congress lifted their respective bans on drilling for American oil, that oil would plummet to the $80 a barrel range, gas would return to $2.75 a gallon and the negative impact that higher gas prices and higher food prices have had on SOME people would be reversed, consumer sentiment would go back up and we'd move more quickly towards a return to economic growth (still pain to be felt in the housing and mortgage industries, but let's face it, things are not the doom and gloom that the Libs in Congress and the Libs in the media want you to believe).
Lo and behold if the President didn't lift the executive ban and a barrel of oil in two weeks has gone from $145 a barrel to it's close at just over $122 per barrel. HUH? WHO KNEW?????
I told my mom that if Congress, especially the Democrats, really and truly cared about the American people, they would lift the congressional ban on drilling today and oil would drop below $100 a barrel and likely all the way down to $80 a barrel....please, before I go further, sit down...this is big.........
My mom AGREED with me!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!
If my mom can admit to the evils and selfish behavior of the Dems in Congress, we have reason to hope! When we, as Conservatives, educated people and show them the light, it WILL make sense and they will come to see the fallacy of the liberals.
The Democrats in Congress are the ones that should be impeached. Grandstanding to the American public, telling us how bad things are and how the price of gas is killing the average American family, yet they refuse to overturn the ban and HELP. Why? VOTES. The Democrats want as many Americans as possible to suffer as much as possible in the hopes they can keep control of Congress and get Obama elected as President. Then, they will lift the ban on drilling for American oil and proclaim it as a victory because it was their idea in the first place.
They will do and say ANYTHING for votes. They could care less about you and me and the average American family. All they care about is power.....and it is plainly evident that the power they have now has corrupted them (giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were not already corrupt).
If your Congressional representative is opposed to lifting the drilling ban, you MUST vote for their opponent in November. McCain is gaining in the polls, and if the Republicans play it right all across this country, there is a great chance for them to take not only the White House, but to also get control in Congress.......
Do your against the Democrats. And spread the word to your lib friends and relatives.......Democrat politics is BAD for America. Conservative values, lower taxes, reliance on the free market, personal responsibility....these are the things we need to grab hold of and force our elected officials to use as the beacon that guides every facet of every level of government.
And, even more than having hope, you should have faith. Faith that, with knowledge that we can impart, even the liberals amongst us will move to the right as we inform them of the truth.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Pain at the Pump? Blame Pelosi and the LIBS!!!!!
Well, well, sands through the hourglass, so leaks out all the brain cells and the dirty little secrets of the Liberals running the Democrat Party into the ground.
President Bush lifts the executive ban on drilling for oil....the price of oil drops from the mid $140 per barrel range and into the mid $120 a barrel range. Coincidence? NO. Liberal Policy working? HA HA HA...that's a good one!
This stuff is pure politics as usual, and the Liberals are being made to look like the power hungry lying fools that they really are.......
Obama, Pelosi and the other liberal jokers that stack the deck against the American people tell us they feel our pain, $4 gas is too much, it's killing the average person......we should do something about oil prices (like tax the oil companies)......when in fact, and yes, I am flat calling the Liberal in Congress LIARS, because they are LIARS!
Liberals do not care about the price of gas coming down during this election year. In fact, they want it to go higher! Why? Higher gas = higher food = more pain for SOME families.....that is the kind of politics the Libs play.
Power is more important to Liberals than anything, or anyone else. And, you guessed it, votes = power. So, if they can help drive prices up, or keep prices from coming down, they'll have people mad at Bush and will get the votes of those people.
The solution to bring gas prices back down to $80 a barrel and gas back to sub $3 a gallon is for Congress (controlled by the liberal Democrats) to lift the congressional ban on drilling. It's really that simple. REAL experts (not money and power hungry say anythings the libs march out for the media buddies) ALL know that President Bush lifting the ban is THE reason oil prices have dropped, and if Congress did the same thing, prices would fall through the floor.
So, if you are thinking about voting for a Dem, what the hell are you thinking???????????
Call them and write them and demand they overturn the Congressional ban on drilling for American oil today! And, this fall, vote for every Conservative you can find on your local ballot!
President Bush lifts the executive ban on drilling for oil....the price of oil drops from the mid $140 per barrel range and into the mid $120 a barrel range. Coincidence? NO. Liberal Policy working? HA HA HA...that's a good one!
This stuff is pure politics as usual, and the Liberals are being made to look like the power hungry lying fools that they really are.......
Obama, Pelosi and the other liberal jokers that stack the deck against the American people tell us they feel our pain, $4 gas is too much, it's killing the average person......we should do something about oil prices (like tax the oil companies)......when in fact, and yes, I am flat calling the Liberal in Congress LIARS, because they are LIARS!
Liberals do not care about the price of gas coming down during this election year. In fact, they want it to go higher! Why? Higher gas = higher food = more pain for SOME families.....that is the kind of politics the Libs play.
Power is more important to Liberals than anything, or anyone else. And, you guessed it, votes = power. So, if they can help drive prices up, or keep prices from coming down, they'll have people mad at Bush and will get the votes of those people.
The solution to bring gas prices back down to $80 a barrel and gas back to sub $3 a gallon is for Congress (controlled by the liberal Democrats) to lift the congressional ban on drilling. It's really that simple. REAL experts (not money and power hungry say anythings the libs march out for the media buddies) ALL know that President Bush lifting the ban is THE reason oil prices have dropped, and if Congress did the same thing, prices would fall through the floor.
So, if you are thinking about voting for a Dem, what the hell are you thinking???????????
Call them and write them and demand they overturn the Congressional ban on drilling for American oil today! And, this fall, vote for every Conservative you can find on your local ballot!
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