In Boston, the Libs want to add more to their gas tax.
In NC, the Dems want to make I-77 a TOLL road????? HUH? And in NC some group of fruit and nutsos wants to create a new TAX...oh wait I think they are calling it a mileage usage fee.....something like $50-100 for every 10,000 miles you drive in a year??? DOUBLE HUH?????
Have we lost our collective minds???????? How many times do we have to elect these people who think the way out of tough times is by creating more government programs and increasing taxes??? These are all examples of tax increases that the Dems hide in things other than income tax. Why, because we let them, the REPUBLICAN PARTY lets them, get away with it....time and time and time and time again.
FACT: Lower taxes = more jobs. Why? Lower taxes mean companies keep more of what they earn and when companies have more money they invest in new technology and in new people.
FACT: Lower taxes = more consumer spending. Why? When people have more money, they buy more stuff. This buying of more stuff is key to our economic engine.
FACT: Lower taxes = more investment. Why? Not everyone needs or wants new stuff. So, individuals invest more when they take home more money. Companies invest more when they have more to invest.
The Republican Party has so violently moved away from its values of small limited government, low taxes, intelligent and thoughtful regulation, and driving governing decisions to the most local of levels possible that it is a party in shambles. The RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) are really tax and spend Liberals that wear the R on their jersey and the far right of the party that uses its divisive issues to fight for party control both have it all wrong.
With each day that passes, I talk to more and more people who, like me, believe that the overwhelming majority of Americans uphold the same ideals....lower taxes, smaller government, safe and secure borders, welfare reform, being Americans first, and finding and building real world solutions from the common ground upon which almost all of us stand.
The revolution IS coming. Please, stick with me. is full speed ahead. Details of our platform are forthcoming in the days ahead.
I am going to ask you, and I am going to ask you to ask others, to join OUR American Revolution. We are going to work hard, raise money, and be inclusive of everyone that shares our views (and with 80% or so of Americans agreeing with us, we're going to have a big dinner table). It is time we stop being apathetic. Our parents deserve better from us for the sacrifices they made. Our children deserve better from us, as they are going to bear the tremendous burden that, if we don't fix things NOW, we are going to leave for them. They deserve better.
You see, we, in the 22-50 year old age bracket have been spoiled. We've had it too easy. Too few of us understand what real struggle and sacrifice really means. But, if we don't come together on the common ground that binds us, we are in for a rude awakening.
We have a plan. I'll be sharing the plan with you shortly. Right now work is commencing on the logos, website, all the forms are being filed with the IRS so that we do this the right way.
Get ready.....and be prepared to join the next American Revolution as WE Take Back The Republican Party!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Things are moving along....
We are two weeks post election, and now just 714 days remain until the mid term election of 2010.
To say the least, there is much work to be done. In the two weeks since the election, while the bailout continues to have no real impact on the economy other than to have every industry going to Congress with their hands out, looking for freebies, and the money already distributed being used to fatten holiday bonuses for banking executives. Now the automakers are trying to get in on the action. Some cities are trying to get in on it too.
Yet, while all of this nonsense is taking place, we've been out buying web site domains in preparation for the launch of the next American Revolution....the one in which we launch, recruit members, impact local, state GOP's as well as the national GOP with our new organization Take Back The Republican and our new sites, .net and .us!
I've been meeting with creative design teams and work is beginning on the new site and the new logo. We'll be asking you to join us, to contribute to our cause and to the future of our country. We'll be doing many things....joining forces to influence state and local Republican Party chapters across the country, and reshaping the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and Reagan back into the party of small government, low taxes, safe and secure borders and streets, and above all, inclusion. You see, we are a center right leaning country. We, as Americans, share the same core beliefs, values and ideals about what our government should, and should NOT be....and we are going to focus on real world solutions in the areas upon which the ground we stand on is common to us all.
We ARE going to affect the Republican Party in ways that will rock its core. We are going to work with, and on behalf of candidates who have and will, based on their record, hold true to OUR American values...and we are going to help get these people elected. Simply put, we are going to alter the course of American History by helping OUR party take back Congress and fix our out of control government.
Much like there were doubters 240+ years ago, the people who said the original revolutionaries could not revolt against the almighty and all powerful British government, so too will there be doubters about our mission. They will tell us we are crazy, that we can't have any effect, that the parties have too much money, too much control......I will look them in the eye and ask them where in the American Experience is helplessness? What part of the fabric of our great country says that we are helpless to make our government be of, by and for the People?
So today, November 19th, I let you all know of the general plan. There are many more details to come. And. we can only be successful, and we MUST be successful in this journey, if you, your relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers and their friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers join us in our fight. We are building a great team. There will also be room for people to take on leadership positions as our organization grows. It will be hard will be hard work.
But for as hard as this work is going to be, think to yourself about what it is that those of us from 30-50 years old can say we have accomplished for our country? Have we done anything collectively for our country that makes our parents proud? Have we done anything that has made America better for our children and grandchildren than it has been for us?
I have spent many hours thinking about these things. I've got the following.....worst economy in 2 generations....most vulnerable borders in the history of our nation.....largest government, national debt in numbers I can't even comprehend, failure to reform welfare, social security, health care in any remotely meaningful ways.
It is time that we come together, stand upon the common ground that binds us to capitalize on OUR American Exceptionalism. To use our greatness to solve the problems we are facing. To make our parents proud and to give our children a chance to enjoy the amazing opportunities we have taken for granted during our lives.
We ARE going to do this. Together. Americans. We will not take no for an answer, it is not our way, it is not who we are.......
To say the least, there is much work to be done. In the two weeks since the election, while the bailout continues to have no real impact on the economy other than to have every industry going to Congress with their hands out, looking for freebies, and the money already distributed being used to fatten holiday bonuses for banking executives. Now the automakers are trying to get in on the action. Some cities are trying to get in on it too.
Yet, while all of this nonsense is taking place, we've been out buying web site domains in preparation for the launch of the next American Revolution....the one in which we launch, recruit members, impact local, state GOP's as well as the national GOP with our new organization Take Back The Republican and our new sites, .net and .us!
I've been meeting with creative design teams and work is beginning on the new site and the new logo. We'll be asking you to join us, to contribute to our cause and to the future of our country. We'll be doing many things....joining forces to influence state and local Republican Party chapters across the country, and reshaping the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and Reagan back into the party of small government, low taxes, safe and secure borders and streets, and above all, inclusion. You see, we are a center right leaning country. We, as Americans, share the same core beliefs, values and ideals about what our government should, and should NOT be....and we are going to focus on real world solutions in the areas upon which the ground we stand on is common to us all.
We ARE going to affect the Republican Party in ways that will rock its core. We are going to work with, and on behalf of candidates who have and will, based on their record, hold true to OUR American values...and we are going to help get these people elected. Simply put, we are going to alter the course of American History by helping OUR party take back Congress and fix our out of control government.
Much like there were doubters 240+ years ago, the people who said the original revolutionaries could not revolt against the almighty and all powerful British government, so too will there be doubters about our mission. They will tell us we are crazy, that we can't have any effect, that the parties have too much money, too much control......I will look them in the eye and ask them where in the American Experience is helplessness? What part of the fabric of our great country says that we are helpless to make our government be of, by and for the People?
So today, November 19th, I let you all know of the general plan. There are many more details to come. And. we can only be successful, and we MUST be successful in this journey, if you, your relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers and their friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers join us in our fight. We are building a great team. There will also be room for people to take on leadership positions as our organization grows. It will be hard will be hard work.
But for as hard as this work is going to be, think to yourself about what it is that those of us from 30-50 years old can say we have accomplished for our country? Have we done anything collectively for our country that makes our parents proud? Have we done anything that has made America better for our children and grandchildren than it has been for us?
I have spent many hours thinking about these things. I've got the following.....worst economy in 2 generations....most vulnerable borders in the history of our nation.....largest government, national debt in numbers I can't even comprehend, failure to reform welfare, social security, health care in any remotely meaningful ways.
It is time that we come together, stand upon the common ground that binds us to capitalize on OUR American Exceptionalism. To use our greatness to solve the problems we are facing. To make our parents proud and to give our children a chance to enjoy the amazing opportunities we have taken for granted during our lives.
We ARE going to do this. Together. Americans. We will not take no for an answer, it is not our way, it is not who we are.......
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Well, a week has passed since the election.....
First of all, and most importantly, before we get back into politics, I want to take a minute and express my gratitude to all current and former military personnel who so bravely and courageously make sacrifices so that the rest of us do not have to. There are no words to express the true depth of appreciation that I have for the brave men and women that serve and have served, that have paid the ultimate price to protect what we too often take for granted....our freedom and liberty. So, on this Veteran's Day, and everyday, I thank you for your brave and selfless service. And, if I am ever elected to serve in a public office, you can bet I will fight tirelessly to ensure that our veterans, military personnel and their families are treated the way they should be treated. With honor, thanks, and a whole lot better than they are treated today.
So, thank you for your service.
On to politics. It has been a week since the election, and while it would be easy to criticize this group or that candidate, I don't think blame is the correct approach. What we need in this country are real solutions. We also need to understand that based on the Presidential election, we are a country very much divided. We have Republicans voting for third party candidates who have no chance of winning because those voters are frustrated with the state of the Republican Party. The Republican Party, frankly, is in a bit of disarray. The party has no consistent message and it is being pulled apart by the far right wingers on one side and the liberal republicans on the other side of the party. If we learned one thing from Obama and his campaign, is that having a simple consistent message and not straying from that message works very well.
We also learned, based on exit polling and from Obama's message, that we are a right of center country. We always have been that way. We still are that way. And we always will be that way. (Unless we keep electing socialists). Obama's message was a very right of center, Republican-esque message. Lower Taxes. Obama and the Dems beat McCain and the Republicans at our own game. YIKES!!!!
Further proof. 44% of Americans consider themselves to be Moderates. 34% consider themselves to be Conservatives. 22% consider themselves to be Liberals. So, 78% of Americans are center to right and we could only get 48%ish percent of them to vote for the Republican ticket???? That's what happens when your message is not clear and you spend all of your time pandering to the extremes.
So, all of this has led me to go out and start the process, one person at a time, of rebuilding and re-branding the Republican Party. In the very near future I will be launching and one person at a time, we are going to build an organization all across this country around the common ground that we, as Americans, stand on. If you are a reader of this blog, I am going to ask you to check out our site once it is launched, and I am going to ask you to contribute to our shared cause, both financially and by spreading the word and getting additional people to join our cause.
Our message will be clear. That we, as Americans, are more alike than we are different. We share a common set of values and ideals that bind us together and we must focus on those things, and on solving our most pressing issues first. And these most pressing issues are issues the vast majority of us agree on. Everyone is welcome in Even if you are a registered Democrat or Independent of Libertarian, if you share our views, you are welcomed to be included and a part of our team.
We've come to a point where we are divided by the party jersey we may wear. It's time to come together, upon the common ground we share, to solve the common problems that ail us. Together, with your help, we are going to make a lasting, impactful, positive difference upon our country. Get ready......REAL change is in the's exciting! I want you to be a part of it with me and I look forward to your help.
So, thank you for your service.
On to politics. It has been a week since the election, and while it would be easy to criticize this group or that candidate, I don't think blame is the correct approach. What we need in this country are real solutions. We also need to understand that based on the Presidential election, we are a country very much divided. We have Republicans voting for third party candidates who have no chance of winning because those voters are frustrated with the state of the Republican Party. The Republican Party, frankly, is in a bit of disarray. The party has no consistent message and it is being pulled apart by the far right wingers on one side and the liberal republicans on the other side of the party. If we learned one thing from Obama and his campaign, is that having a simple consistent message and not straying from that message works very well.
We also learned, based on exit polling and from Obama's message, that we are a right of center country. We always have been that way. We still are that way. And we always will be that way. (Unless we keep electing socialists). Obama's message was a very right of center, Republican-esque message. Lower Taxes. Obama and the Dems beat McCain and the Republicans at our own game. YIKES!!!!
Further proof. 44% of Americans consider themselves to be Moderates. 34% consider themselves to be Conservatives. 22% consider themselves to be Liberals. So, 78% of Americans are center to right and we could only get 48%ish percent of them to vote for the Republican ticket???? That's what happens when your message is not clear and you spend all of your time pandering to the extremes.
So, all of this has led me to go out and start the process, one person at a time, of rebuilding and re-branding the Republican Party. In the very near future I will be launching and one person at a time, we are going to build an organization all across this country around the common ground that we, as Americans, stand on. If you are a reader of this blog, I am going to ask you to check out our site once it is launched, and I am going to ask you to contribute to our shared cause, both financially and by spreading the word and getting additional people to join our cause.
Our message will be clear. That we, as Americans, are more alike than we are different. We share a common set of values and ideals that bind us together and we must focus on those things, and on solving our most pressing issues first. And these most pressing issues are issues the vast majority of us agree on. Everyone is welcome in Even if you are a registered Democrat or Independent of Libertarian, if you share our views, you are welcomed to be included and a part of our team.
We've come to a point where we are divided by the party jersey we may wear. It's time to come together, upon the common ground we share, to solve the common problems that ail us. Together, with your help, we are going to make a lasting, impactful, positive difference upon our country. Get ready......REAL change is in the's exciting! I want you to be a part of it with me and I look forward to your help.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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