Over the past week, we have a seen the market bounce nearly 1000 points from its low a couple of weeks ago. Certainly good news! Yet, in this day and age of bi-polar news reporting, where any bad day means the end of the world is coming, and any good day means the recession is over, it is important that we have perspective.
Perspective, to me, means keeping a view of immediate events within a broader long term outlook. Ultimately, whether government did, or did not, do anything relative to the current economic situation this recession would ultimately have a beginning, a middle and an end. When we lose perspective on that natural order of things, we react and overreact emotionally. We panic and take action for the sake of taking action. Doing something HAS to be better than doing nothing it is argued. Perhaps that is true. But what if it is not true?
What if spending what is now nearing $2 TRILLION dollars to reward failure and underachievement turns out to be the wrong thing? The fact of the matter is the US government spending $2 TRILLION to bail out this bank and that automaker, this insurance company and that investment house is akin to taking out a sub prime mortgage on the future economic stability of America.
This bill IS going to come due. You, your kids, and the next 2-3 generations of Americans are going to have to pay the price of rewarding failure. Banks and bankers made risky decisions, they gambled and lost. They failed. The American automakers allowed the unions to run roughshod over them for decades signing contracts yesterday that are crippling them today.
Hmmmmm signing something today to keep things going without keeping perspective of what that means for tomorrow......do you see the parallel between that and what the Obama Administration is doing? They are signing away trillions of dollars today to "keep things running", trying to garner support of some Americans by playing the fear game and scaring folks with words like catastrophe and depression and "we'll take from the rich and give to the poor". But there is going to be a tomorrow, and the bill is going to come due. How do you think we are going to pay for it????
Do you think it is just a snap of the fingers, tax the rich and tax businesses? If you believe that, there is a reality you are not going to like in your future.
Q: What happens when you tax the rich and businesses?
A: The rich take money they would invest and money they would pay taxes on, and they find ways to shelter their money. This leads to lower tax revenues and less investment. Exactly the opposite of what makes our economy go. Businesses, in order to hit EPS and keep stock prices climbing, lay off workers, cut back on investing in new technology, and lose their global competitive advantage. This leads to higher UNemployment, fewer jobs, slower economic growth.
But boy, we sure can feel good because the government is going to stick it to the rich and the businesses that take advantage of the rest of us! (Fact is, the rich own and invest in businesses that employ people. Businesses invest in new technologies to be more competitive, hire workers, and are a primary cog in the engine of the American economy. The dirty little secret the liberals and socialists don't want you to know is that lower taxes on the rich and businesses is better for the average American than raising taxes on the rich and on businesses.)
I hope you see this for what it is. A chance for government to exponentially increase spending and later on, increase taxes. And not just taxes on business. Your tax rate is going to go up. The Democrats, librals and socialists will ultimately come back and say "This debt is just too high and everyone must pay his/her share." (except those on welfare, but they already get rewarded for underachievement) This only leads to slower economic growth and growth in the number of people who become hopeless and dependent on government. This is as anti-American as anything I can imagine.
Let's keep some perspective as the market rises, and also as it falls.
Let's remember that there are things that are undeniably true, no matter what the biased media lead us to believe:
1. Taxes MUST be lowered dramatically for ALL Americans. When companies keep more of what they make, they invest in new technology and hire new workers. When people keep more of what they make, the buy more and save more, improving the standard of living for all. We CAN have it both ways....lower taxes for ALL Americans.
2. Government must be reformed and expenditures slashed. (Defending the country, upholding the laws of the land, ending the financial drain and strain on our states and cities caused by illegal immigration, rewarding achievement and enforcing personal responsibility and self-reliance)
It is time for action in America. It is time to stop bickering about issues we don't agree on, and time to come together around the things we do share as common ground. Together, we can add perspective back into the national consciousness and make the changes needed to move America forward in the right ways.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
America needs Take Back The Republican Party!
The more I think about it, the more I talk to people, the more clear it becomes that America needs TBTRP and our message of American Values.....
We don't need to hope for government to save us, we just need to have faith in ourselves!
Hope is the absence of self-reliance and determination.
Faith is the knowledge in self and the determination to make one's life what we want it to be.
It's time for us to take back our party and our country. Our message is simple:
Lower taxes by 50% for ALL Americans and American businesses
Reduce the Federal Government by at least 35% and end all unfunded mandates
Restore the American Values of Personal Responsibility and Self-Reliance
Reward achievement and discourage everything else
It can be done. It MUST be done. Time's a wasting.....ONLY 597 DAYS LEFT til the midterm elections of 2010!!!
We don't need to hope for government to save us, we just need to have faith in ourselves!
Hope is the absence of self-reliance and determination.
Faith is the knowledge in self and the determination to make one's life what we want it to be.
It's time for us to take back our party and our country. Our message is simple:
Lower taxes by 50% for ALL Americans and American businesses
Reduce the Federal Government by at least 35% and end all unfunded mandates
Restore the American Values of Personal Responsibility and Self-Reliance
Reward achievement and discourage everything else
It can be done. It MUST be done. Time's a wasting.....ONLY 597 DAYS LEFT til the midterm elections of 2010!!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The time to ACT is fast approaching!
With each day that passes, the saying made famous by former Arizona Cardinals coach Dennis Green becomes more and more true...after squandering a lead and eventually losing to the Chicago Bears, Coach Green went on a tirade in his post game press conference. "They are who we thought they were!" are the words Coach Green used to describe the Bears. The Bears were a juggernaut, manhandling all of their opponents during the season until they met the lowly Cardinals. But Coach Green saw the Bears weaknesses and knew if his team executed, that they could beat the vaunted Bears. The problem the Cardinals had, was that they could not stick to the game plan and execute the plan for the full game.
Fast forward to today, and while candidate Obama did a masterful job of playing used car salesman and convincing many moderates/independents and even a whole bunch of RINOS that he was going to be different, a leader who would lead from the center and bring the nation together, we now know that Obama is who we thought he was. A big government socialist, with an agenda to dramatically expand the size of government, further increase the number of people dependent on government to live their lives for them (thereby increasing the voting bloc of the Democrat Party) and undertake what is about to be the largest redistribution of American wealth in the history of our great country. President Obama is who we knew he was.
There are people like Rush and Newt who are famous and popular, who host shows and write books and make millions, yet never seem to actually drive any action. Couple that with the fact that we must finally take action and force change in our country before it is too late, and Take Back The Republican Party has been born.
We will soon be officially launching Take Back The Republican Party, on a platform of ideals that more than 75% of Americans agree with:
- Lower Taxes for All Americans! We have been led to believe that you are either for tax cuts for the middle class, or you are for tax cuts for business, but that you can not be for both. TBTRP vehemently disagrees. We believe the only real position to take is to be in favor of tax cuts for ALL AMERICANS.....individuals and businesses. In fact, we propose and recommend a 50% tax cut for individuals and businesses. This WILL absolutely spur the kind of economic growth we need to emerge from this recession stronger than ever.
- Less Government! Reducing taxes by 50% will not require a 50% reduction in the size of the federal government and we know this to be true because history has proven that any time taxes are cut, tax revenues are not affected in the same way. You see, tax cuts spur business growth and consumer spending which increase the taxes paid to government. So, a 50% decrease in taxes should be accompanied by a 35%-40% reduction in the size of the federal government. Per the US Constitution, the federal government has but two duties. Provide for the national defense and settle disputes between the states. The fact of the matter is that ANYTHING other than these two things that our federal government does is unconstitutional. Not to mention the looks I get when I ask people, "What would happen if the federal government shut down tomorrow?" The overwhelming majority of Americans would not even notice!!!!!! We need to take a hard look at our federal government and eliminate all unfunded federal mandates and eliminate all agencies that are not directly involved in providing for the defense of our country or settline disputes between states. All other governing decisions need to be made at the state and local level, as the Founders intended.
No More Taxation without Representation! And frankly, no more representation that goes against the wishes of the people. The first American Revolution was the result of a distant government taxing citizens without honest and accurate representation. The same thing is going on today. More than 75% of the American people want lower taxes and less government, yet taxes are going to go up under Obama, and government is already (and has been) growing at an astronomical rate. It is time for the American people to take a stand!
Other items in the TBTRP platform include ending the financial drain on our economy and on our state and local governments caused by illegal aliens; doing everything needed to make our towns and cities safe and free from crime (this includes more police, more DA's, more jails, and requiring that judges follow the laws in sentencing); a return to Self-Reliance and Personal Repsonsibility (we must end the generational dependency on the government that too many people have been born into and accepted); and welfare reform - all government welfare programs have been a total and complete failure. The Great Society, the War on Poverty and other programs have done nothing to shrink the percentage of people on welfare, which is what these programs were designed to do. These programs must be fixed and made temporary. No one of able mind or able body should be allowed to live off the state and not contribute positively to our society. However, these programs should be examined, made VERY temporary and recipients need to be forced to work in order to receive any type of benefit.
We have a tremendous task ahead of us. Or success will be determined by our ability to get people to get off the sidelines and take action.
In the days, weeks, and months ahead, Take Back The Republican Party will formally launch, and we will ask you to get involved, contribute, and get your friends and family involved. Together, we will Take Back The Republican Party, we will take back control of Congress, and we will fix our country.
Take Back The Republican Party
For Today. For Tomorrow. For AMERICA!
Fast forward to today, and while candidate Obama did a masterful job of playing used car salesman and convincing many moderates/independents and even a whole bunch of RINOS that he was going to be different, a leader who would lead from the center and bring the nation together, we now know that Obama is who we thought he was. A big government socialist, with an agenda to dramatically expand the size of government, further increase the number of people dependent on government to live their lives for them (thereby increasing the voting bloc of the Democrat Party) and undertake what is about to be the largest redistribution of American wealth in the history of our great country. President Obama is who we knew he was.
There are people like Rush and Newt who are famous and popular, who host shows and write books and make millions, yet never seem to actually drive any action. Couple that with the fact that we must finally take action and force change in our country before it is too late, and Take Back The Republican Party has been born.
We will soon be officially launching Take Back The Republican Party, on a platform of ideals that more than 75% of Americans agree with:
- Lower Taxes for All Americans! We have been led to believe that you are either for tax cuts for the middle class, or you are for tax cuts for business, but that you can not be for both. TBTRP vehemently disagrees. We believe the only real position to take is to be in favor of tax cuts for ALL AMERICANS.....individuals and businesses. In fact, we propose and recommend a 50% tax cut for individuals and businesses. This WILL absolutely spur the kind of economic growth we need to emerge from this recession stronger than ever.
- Less Government! Reducing taxes by 50% will not require a 50% reduction in the size of the federal government and we know this to be true because history has proven that any time taxes are cut, tax revenues are not affected in the same way. You see, tax cuts spur business growth and consumer spending which increase the taxes paid to government. So, a 50% decrease in taxes should be accompanied by a 35%-40% reduction in the size of the federal government. Per the US Constitution, the federal government has but two duties. Provide for the national defense and settle disputes between the states. The fact of the matter is that ANYTHING other than these two things that our federal government does is unconstitutional. Not to mention the looks I get when I ask people, "What would happen if the federal government shut down tomorrow?" The overwhelming majority of Americans would not even notice!!!!!! We need to take a hard look at our federal government and eliminate all unfunded federal mandates and eliminate all agencies that are not directly involved in providing for the defense of our country or settline disputes between states. All other governing decisions need to be made at the state and local level, as the Founders intended.
No More Taxation without Representation! And frankly, no more representation that goes against the wishes of the people. The first American Revolution was the result of a distant government taxing citizens without honest and accurate representation. The same thing is going on today. More than 75% of the American people want lower taxes and less government, yet taxes are going to go up under Obama, and government is already (and has been) growing at an astronomical rate. It is time for the American people to take a stand!
Other items in the TBTRP platform include ending the financial drain on our economy and on our state and local governments caused by illegal aliens; doing everything needed to make our towns and cities safe and free from crime (this includes more police, more DA's, more jails, and requiring that judges follow the laws in sentencing); a return to Self-Reliance and Personal Repsonsibility (we must end the generational dependency on the government that too many people have been born into and accepted); and welfare reform - all government welfare programs have been a total and complete failure. The Great Society, the War on Poverty and other programs have done nothing to shrink the percentage of people on welfare, which is what these programs were designed to do. These programs must be fixed and made temporary. No one of able mind or able body should be allowed to live off the state and not contribute positively to our society. However, these programs should be examined, made VERY temporary and recipients need to be forced to work in order to receive any type of benefit.
We have a tremendous task ahead of us. Or success will be determined by our ability to get people to get off the sidelines and take action.
In the days, weeks, and months ahead, Take Back The Republican Party will formally launch, and we will ask you to get involved, contribute, and get your friends and family involved. Together, we will Take Back The Republican Party, we will take back control of Congress, and we will fix our country.
Take Back The Republican Party
For Today. For Tomorrow. For AMERICA!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Market is up 280 points on 3/10....but not so fast.....
It is great to see some life in the stock market today, at last check the market is up 280 points today. HOWEVER, it must be noted, that since President Obama got elected, the market is down nearly 35%!!!
A one day bump in the market makes us feel relief, but the stimulus bill passed by Obama and the Congress, just like the election of 2008, has consequences. Very serious consequences that are going to have to be dealt with in the years to come.
We have effectively allowed Obama and the Liberals from both parties to fast track the United States of America into becoming the Socialist Republic of North America. Nationalize this, nationalize that. This bank is too big to fail, that business is too large to fail. Except that when we look under the covers preferential treatment is given to some banks over others...I wonder why that is??? And why is it that GM, or Ford can't be "allowed" to fail?? The natural order of a free market capitalist society is that failure, just like market downturns, weed out the underperformers and the failures. Until the socialists like Obama and Pelosi and Reid took over, business failing was a regular, and necessary aspect of business life in America.
The hard, indisputable fact is that businesses should be allowed to fail and government needs to get out of the way. Name one thing government does well? Aside from collecting taxes, you can't name a single thing government does well. We have become so soft and so dependent on having "government" live our lives for us, that we have no stomach for tough times or failure.
Did failure stop Lincoln from becoming President? NO.
Did failure stop Lee Iaoccoca from taking Chrysler from bankruptcy to prominence? NO.
Did failure stop us from letting the Savings and Loans from ceasing to exist in the 1980's? NO.
And guess what, the result of each of these failures allowed America to emerge stronger than ever before.
Until now. Now, government is trying to save businesses by mortgaging the future of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
So, the next time you see a day like this with a 280 point pop in the market, it is ok to feel some relief. But remember, the actions taken by our President since he was sworn in on Jan 20, 2009, do have, and will continue to have major implications in the survival of this country....and in your economic survival in the years to come.
We can fix it, but we have to find people who will stand up and do what is right. Shrink government. Dramatically reduce taxes. Allow businesses and individuals to keep more of what they earn.
Take Back The Republican Party is a national, grass roots initiative that is launching on April 15th. We'll be asking for your involvement and your support as we set off on the incredible task of fixing our party and our country. We will do it. We HAVE to!
For Today. For Tomorrow. For AMERICA!
A one day bump in the market makes us feel relief, but the stimulus bill passed by Obama and the Congress, just like the election of 2008, has consequences. Very serious consequences that are going to have to be dealt with in the years to come.
We have effectively allowed Obama and the Liberals from both parties to fast track the United States of America into becoming the Socialist Republic of North America. Nationalize this, nationalize that. This bank is too big to fail, that business is too large to fail. Except that when we look under the covers preferential treatment is given to some banks over others...I wonder why that is??? And why is it that GM, or Ford can't be "allowed" to fail?? The natural order of a free market capitalist society is that failure, just like market downturns, weed out the underperformers and the failures. Until the socialists like Obama and Pelosi and Reid took over, business failing was a regular, and necessary aspect of business life in America.
The hard, indisputable fact is that businesses should be allowed to fail and government needs to get out of the way. Name one thing government does well? Aside from collecting taxes, you can't name a single thing government does well. We have become so soft and so dependent on having "government" live our lives for us, that we have no stomach for tough times or failure.
Did failure stop Lincoln from becoming President? NO.
Did failure stop Lee Iaoccoca from taking Chrysler from bankruptcy to prominence? NO.
Did failure stop us from letting the Savings and Loans from ceasing to exist in the 1980's? NO.
And guess what, the result of each of these failures allowed America to emerge stronger than ever before.
Until now. Now, government is trying to save businesses by mortgaging the future of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
So, the next time you see a day like this with a 280 point pop in the market, it is ok to feel some relief. But remember, the actions taken by our President since he was sworn in on Jan 20, 2009, do have, and will continue to have major implications in the survival of this country....and in your economic survival in the years to come.
We can fix it, but we have to find people who will stand up and do what is right. Shrink government. Dramatically reduce taxes. Allow businesses and individuals to keep more of what they earn.
Take Back The Republican Party is a national, grass roots initiative that is launching on April 15th. We'll be asking for your involvement and your support as we set off on the incredible task of fixing our party and our country. We will do it. We HAVE to!
For Today. For Tomorrow. For AMERICA!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Obama mumbling, the DOW is tumbling.....
Are the American people really so naive to think that Obama really is who he claimed to be during the election?
The great Savior, the almighty One has proven to be more like a North Korean dud missle than anything remotely resembling the leader that he claimed to be during election 08. The Dow Jones Industrial average reached a new post 1997 low today, closing at 6,594.
Retirees and those nearing retirement are seeing their nest eggs get hard boiled, and I have yet to hear the President talk about how anything he has proposed is going to help the generation that built modern America. Why is that I wonder? 95% of Americans are getting tax cuts....$13 a week...woohoo! Oh wait, those in or nearing retirement belong to a generation of Americans that actually ACHIEVED something, and that perfectly explains why President Obama has turned his back on them. Achievers have no place in the world of Barack Obama and the Socialist Liberals that make up his administration AND Congress. Where are the Conservatives? Where are the people who believe in what America really has been and should be?
President Obama, the Republican Party AND every Liberal in the country should be ashamed of the way this country is treating the Baby Boomers. It sickens me and disgusts me.
America is better than this........or at least before Obama, the Libs and the RINO's we damn sure were.........
The great Savior, the almighty One has proven to be more like a North Korean dud missle than anything remotely resembling the leader that he claimed to be during election 08. The Dow Jones Industrial average reached a new post 1997 low today, closing at 6,594.
Retirees and those nearing retirement are seeing their nest eggs get hard boiled, and I have yet to hear the President talk about how anything he has proposed is going to help the generation that built modern America. Why is that I wonder? 95% of Americans are getting tax cuts....$13 a week...woohoo! Oh wait, those in or nearing retirement belong to a generation of Americans that actually ACHIEVED something, and that perfectly explains why President Obama has turned his back on them. Achievers have no place in the world of Barack Obama and the Socialist Liberals that make up his administration AND Congress. Where are the Conservatives? Where are the people who believe in what America really has been and should be?
President Obama, the Republican Party AND every Liberal in the country should be ashamed of the way this country is treating the Baby Boomers. It sickens me and disgusts me.
America is better than this........or at least before Obama, the Libs and the RINO's we damn sure were.........
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