And so goes the saying by one of the most famous of all Americans.
"Every generation needs a new revolution." - Thomas Jefferson
While the world we live in today is vastly different than it was during colonial times, there is much truth in the saying that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
In the 1770's, the colonists, fed up with paying taxes to a government that paid them no attention, other than to take their earned monies, revolted. It was a revolution fought with weapons and many men perished in the struggle. But revolution led to the creation of the greatest country that humankind has ever known.
Today, I see the United States making mistakes like England did back during the time of the first American Revolution. To be sure, I am not a scholar, but it is quite plain to see that today our government is not learning from the past, but rather hell bent on taking us down a road that leads to a dimmer future and a much less certain tomorrow.
Will the market rebound and will the economy grow again? Yes it will. Regardless of, and in spite of government, the economy will grow and the markets will recover.
Government can, and will, have an effect on the length and depth of our recessions and our growth phases. No free market can ever go up forever, or go down forever. Simply, there is always a buyer and always a seller. Each has a price and a risk tolerance level they are willing to accept. There have been, and always will be, times when some combination of poor management and difficult economic conditions will result in the failure of businesses. This is the natural order of such things. It is ok for businesses to fail. The survivors, who run better businesses, will be rewarded.
I think today of all of the bailouts that are going on. These are truly, and purely, political plays taken by a President paying back those that helped elect him. This is what America has become. A country in which politicians sell themselves out, in order to raise money to get elected and re-elected. Where playing the political game is more important than doing what is right. Where sounds bites and slick talkers manipulate and twist words, saying whatever is needed to make the current audience feel like the politician is on their side.
We are told that companies like GM can not be allowed to fail. Well, what if GM failed? What if GM ceased to exist? Reality is, GM has been poorly run for decades. Agreeing to bad contracts with unions and the resulting lack of innovation and quality are killing GM. Yet when times are good or before (foreign) competition, anyone can succeed. But when competition increases, and other companies make a better product for a lower price, your business is in trouble. Such is the case with GM. Does this mean I want GM to go out of business? Of course not! But if GM goes out of business, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda and any other company making cars would take GM's customers, sell more cars and trucks and be healthier businesses. The companies that make better products at lower prices would expand their businesses and grow. This would lead to job creation to offset the job losses at GM. (I am only using GM as an example)
While the private sector tightens its belt in order to become more efficient or save mo ney or ensure its business life, government continues to grow at an ever alarming rate, and the more it grows, the more it interferes in things it has no right to touch. The American people want lower taxes, smaller and less government. President Obama is undertaking the largest expansion of government in our history. The American people were and are clearly against the "stimulus" bill just signed into law. President Obama signed a bad bill anyway, because he is a socialist and wants to turn our free market country into a third world socialist state. There is nothing in the stimulus law to stimulate the economy, it is just full of earmarks paying off all the people/organizations that helped fund Obama's election. It is time that we force our government to once again be of, by and for the people.
It is time for the 2nd American Revolution! This revolution against government will not be bloody. It is a revolution based on values and ideals that we, the American people, hold as important and vital to the continuation of our way of life.
As was the case with the colonists in the 1770's, once again we have a government that takes our money and spends it against the will of the people...against our will. The elite political aristocracy is in control and they could care less about entrepreneurism, free markets, capitalism. They want to take from the achievers and give to those who will become even further dependent on government assistance. It is how they will stay in power.
The longer we wait, the more people there will be on the government rolls. The longer we wait, the more we lose touch with self-reliance and personal responsibility. The longer we wait, well, we can't afford to wait any longer.........
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Obama and change......
Well, Obama is delivering on his promise of change alright!
He's quickly changing us from the greatest free market country in the world to an average, run of the mill socialist state in which mediocrity is rewarded and greatness is penalized......
That's not the kind of change ANY of us should believe in....but for all the people who voted for Obama without knowing anything about him, for those that voted for change without knowing really what the changes were going to be, and for those who thought that once Obama took office all would be right with the world.......Thanks!
Thanks for putting us on the fast track to socialism, where everyone has the same stuff....and it is all crappy stuff! Thanks for wanting universal health that everyone, including the responsible and hard working among us, can wait in line 18 months for needed surgery, or an MRI. But hey, it'll be "free".
Thanks for fast tracking us toward a future in which the most driven and talented among us move to Mexico so they can have a chance to shine and be rewarded for greatness. Thanks for wanting to make the United States become the old Soviet Union. You do know how that turned out, right?
That is the kind of change we can REALLY believe in isn't it? I have said it before to all of you that voted for Obama and for those of you who think we should move our thinking and policies to the left......Elections have consequences...........
He's quickly changing us from the greatest free market country in the world to an average, run of the mill socialist state in which mediocrity is rewarded and greatness is penalized......
That's not the kind of change ANY of us should believe in....but for all the people who voted for Obama without knowing anything about him, for those that voted for change without knowing really what the changes were going to be, and for those who thought that once Obama took office all would be right with the world.......Thanks!
Thanks for putting us on the fast track to socialism, where everyone has the same stuff....and it is all crappy stuff! Thanks for wanting universal health that everyone, including the responsible and hard working among us, can wait in line 18 months for needed surgery, or an MRI. But hey, it'll be "free".
Thanks for fast tracking us toward a future in which the most driven and talented among us move to Mexico so they can have a chance to shine and be rewarded for greatness. Thanks for wanting to make the United States become the old Soviet Union. You do know how that turned out, right?
That is the kind of change we can REALLY believe in isn't it? I have said it before to all of you that voted for Obama and for those of you who think we should move our thinking and policies to the left......Elections have consequences...........
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Why does ANYONE think more government is the answer?
President Obama spoke before Congress last night. He is a smooth communicator, and people are buying his junk just like they did when President Clinton was in office.
The devil, as they say, is in the details. And the details can be summed up as follows:
President Obama has pushed for and signed the largest spending bill in the history of the United States. This spending bill tasted bad going down, and when the bill comes due it is going to taste even worse coming up. Combined with TARP1 and TARP2 we've committed to spending 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS on a mess that right of center thinking and policies would have prevented.
1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS - If we had to pay that back today, it would cost $5,000 for EVERY man, woman and child in America. There are 3 people in my family....what great benefit is there for me having to pay $15,000 for all of this spending? You NEED to ask yourself the same question!
The scary part is, we won't be paying back 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, it will, with interest and the added and ongoing funding of programs, be more like a 10 TRILLION DOLLAR price tag. In case your math is a little fuzzy, that means EVERY man, woman and child alive today will be responsible for giving the government an ADDITIONAL $30,000+ in HIGHER TAXES!!!!
Taking it a step further, not all of the 300 million US citizens pay taxes. Deduct children and those on welfare and the numbers go even HIGHER for all of us that work hard and try to provide for our families.
So, we have two options. One option is to keep buying into this garbage we are fed by the mainstream media and by President Obama and the Democrat Party. The end result will look a lot like the Soviet Union where, unless you were one the few in the elite class, you got the same as everyone else, and everyone else lived in poverty.
The other option is to stop and think and answer the following questions:
1. Does government make anything with the tax dollars it collects that creates real, permanent economic growth? The answer is a resounding NO!
2. Name one thing our government touches that is run well and with a high degree of efficiency.
3. Name one thing our government does that private industry can not do better? (You can't, so don't waste your time thinking about it.)
There is, and always will be, a need for government. However, our country is one founded on principles and ideals. That we should not have taxation without representation. Do you feel the members of Congress truly do what the American people want them to do? The American people were and are against TARP 1 and 2. The American people are against the latest bailout. The American people overwhelmingly want lower taxes and smaller government, yet what we are getting is higher taxes and more government!!!! We must put a stop to this now!
Our federal government should be responsible for protecting the country and settling disputes between the states. There shoould be a Treasury Department and a State Department as well.
Yet, on this 25th day of February, 2009 I ask you to stop and think for a moment. What purpose does any other federal agency serve....and more importantly, would you, or anyone, notice if we shut down every other federal government department?
Shouldn't the post office be required to operate as a for profit business? Can you REALLY name one thing that the US Dept of Education does that has a positive effect on the eduction of your child in your town? We could go department by department, and over and over again, the conclusion that any sane individual would come up with is that our massive federal government does not do anything but raise taxes and unwisely spend our tax dollars.
Shouldn't decisions on things like energy, the environment, education, roads and the like be made at the most local level possible? How do Senators and Representatives from Oregon know what the citizens of Florida want? In North Carolina, it is the will of the people to drill for oil off the coast, and use that money to improve roads and lower taxes and the like. Why is it that people who have never been to North Carolina can tell us how we can and must use our resources?
You see, we are at a serious point in American history.
Down the road laid out for us by President Obama is a Socialist State, where everyone is the same and where individuality and entrepreneurism is discouraged and penalized. Bigger government, higher taxes, a lower standard of living and the abomination of self reliance and personal responsibility await us.
There is another road. This other road is one in which American companies and entrepreneurs are rewarded for creating jobs and growing the economy. This other road is one in which more people are working, taxes are lower, government is dramatically smaller and our standard of living is much higher. This other road is full of shining examples of people and families that take personal responsibility for their lot in life. Where people do not look toward government to pay their mortgage or heat their home, but rather, where Americans look inward and rely on themselves for everything they have and everything they want and need.
Reliance on self and taking personal responsibility for your own life is the very meaning of freedom and independence.
Are you willing to give up your freedom and independence?
The devil, as they say, is in the details. And the details can be summed up as follows:
President Obama has pushed for and signed the largest spending bill in the history of the United States. This spending bill tasted bad going down, and when the bill comes due it is going to taste even worse coming up. Combined with TARP1 and TARP2 we've committed to spending 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS on a mess that right of center thinking and policies would have prevented.
1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS - If we had to pay that back today, it would cost $5,000 for EVERY man, woman and child in America. There are 3 people in my family....what great benefit is there for me having to pay $15,000 for all of this spending? You NEED to ask yourself the same question!
The scary part is, we won't be paying back 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, it will, with interest and the added and ongoing funding of programs, be more like a 10 TRILLION DOLLAR price tag. In case your math is a little fuzzy, that means EVERY man, woman and child alive today will be responsible for giving the government an ADDITIONAL $30,000+ in HIGHER TAXES!!!!
Taking it a step further, not all of the 300 million US citizens pay taxes. Deduct children and those on welfare and the numbers go even HIGHER for all of us that work hard and try to provide for our families.
So, we have two options. One option is to keep buying into this garbage we are fed by the mainstream media and by President Obama and the Democrat Party. The end result will look a lot like the Soviet Union where, unless you were one the few in the elite class, you got the same as everyone else, and everyone else lived in poverty.
The other option is to stop and think and answer the following questions:
1. Does government make anything with the tax dollars it collects that creates real, permanent economic growth? The answer is a resounding NO!
2. Name one thing our government touches that is run well and with a high degree of efficiency.
3. Name one thing our government does that private industry can not do better? (You can't, so don't waste your time thinking about it.)
There is, and always will be, a need for government. However, our country is one founded on principles and ideals. That we should not have taxation without representation. Do you feel the members of Congress truly do what the American people want them to do? The American people were and are against TARP 1 and 2. The American people are against the latest bailout. The American people overwhelmingly want lower taxes and smaller government, yet what we are getting is higher taxes and more government!!!! We must put a stop to this now!
Our federal government should be responsible for protecting the country and settling disputes between the states. There shoould be a Treasury Department and a State Department as well.
Yet, on this 25th day of February, 2009 I ask you to stop and think for a moment. What purpose does any other federal agency serve....and more importantly, would you, or anyone, notice if we shut down every other federal government department?
Shouldn't the post office be required to operate as a for profit business? Can you REALLY name one thing that the US Dept of Education does that has a positive effect on the eduction of your child in your town? We could go department by department, and over and over again, the conclusion that any sane individual would come up with is that our massive federal government does not do anything but raise taxes and unwisely spend our tax dollars.
Shouldn't decisions on things like energy, the environment, education, roads and the like be made at the most local level possible? How do Senators and Representatives from Oregon know what the citizens of Florida want? In North Carolina, it is the will of the people to drill for oil off the coast, and use that money to improve roads and lower taxes and the like. Why is it that people who have never been to North Carolina can tell us how we can and must use our resources?
You see, we are at a serious point in American history.
Down the road laid out for us by President Obama is a Socialist State, where everyone is the same and where individuality and entrepreneurism is discouraged and penalized. Bigger government, higher taxes, a lower standard of living and the abomination of self reliance and personal responsibility await us.
There is another road. This other road is one in which American companies and entrepreneurs are rewarded for creating jobs and growing the economy. This other road is one in which more people are working, taxes are lower, government is dramatically smaller and our standard of living is much higher. This other road is full of shining examples of people and families that take personal responsibility for their lot in life. Where people do not look toward government to pay their mortgage or heat their home, but rather, where Americans look inward and rely on themselves for everything they have and everything they want and need.
Reliance on self and taking personal responsibility for your own life is the very meaning of freedom and independence.
Are you willing to give up your freedom and independence?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
$75 Billion for 7.5 million homeowners.....
Perhaps it is time for a little lesson in realistic math....
President Obama just tagged ANOTHER $75 Billion of our money to help troubled homeowners get mortgage help. Digging beyond the headline, what do those numbers really mean?
First, the money is going to be used to, essentially, reimburse banks for refinancing people who are current on their mortgages but who are in danger of falling behind. Sounds like a really good idea. However, $75 Billion divided by 7.5 million homeowners is $10,000....take that $10K and divide it by 360 (the number of monthly payments in a 30 yr fixed mortgage) and you get a monthly reduction in mortgage payment of $27.
So, do we REALLY think that $27 is going to save anyone's mortgage??? Give me a break!
How about this idea: Let's say the average family earns $60,000 per year. If taxable income ends up being $40,000 ($20K in deductions) the tax owed for the year is $5,201. What if, we implement my idea, and cut the personal (and corp) income tax rate by 50%? That would put $2600 into people's budget every year, or per month, $216.
What if you are a family making $100K with $30K in deductions (again a high estimate of deductions). Your $70K in taxable income carries a tax liability of $10,194. If we cut the rate in half, that family would get an extra $5,097 per year or $424 per MONTH injected into the family budget.
In both cases, that is REAL buying and investing power for tens of millions of families across this country. You want to save mortgages Mr. President, then let's do the RIGHT thing. Lower taxes, drastically shrink the size of government (on the campaign trail, YOU DID tell us you were NOT going to sign any bill with pork and you WERE going to go through the budget and government with a fine tooth comb).
You've already gone back on campaign promises Mr. President. We ARE watching........
President Obama just tagged ANOTHER $75 Billion of our money to help troubled homeowners get mortgage help. Digging beyond the headline, what do those numbers really mean?
First, the money is going to be used to, essentially, reimburse banks for refinancing people who are current on their mortgages but who are in danger of falling behind. Sounds like a really good idea. However, $75 Billion divided by 7.5 million homeowners is $10,000....take that $10K and divide it by 360 (the number of monthly payments in a 30 yr fixed mortgage) and you get a monthly reduction in mortgage payment of $27.
So, do we REALLY think that $27 is going to save anyone's mortgage??? Give me a break!
How about this idea: Let's say the average family earns $60,000 per year. If taxable income ends up being $40,000 ($20K in deductions) the tax owed for the year is $5,201. What if, we implement my idea, and cut the personal (and corp) income tax rate by 50%? That would put $2600 into people's budget every year, or per month, $216.
What if you are a family making $100K with $30K in deductions (again a high estimate of deductions). Your $70K in taxable income carries a tax liability of $10,194. If we cut the rate in half, that family would get an extra $5,097 per year or $424 per MONTH injected into the family budget.
In both cases, that is REAL buying and investing power for tens of millions of families across this country. You want to save mortgages Mr. President, then let's do the RIGHT thing. Lower taxes, drastically shrink the size of government (on the campaign trail, YOU DID tell us you were NOT going to sign any bill with pork and you WERE going to go through the budget and government with a fine tooth comb).
You've already gone back on campaign promises Mr. President. We ARE watching........
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Do you pay your bills on time.....
Let me preface by saying, myself included, I think we have all had times in life when we have been late on a payment, or maybe even two or three.
However, today, given President Obama's speech in my old stomping grounds of beautiful Mesa, AZ, if you work hard, do the right thing, pay your bills on time, you had better be so completely irritated and annoyed that if you are not already on my side, you need to be!
This recession has had a direct impact on my family and people that I know well. And, while not everyone in my family agrees with me on all of my political views, not a single one of them is looking for a handout or a bailout.
Within my circle of family and friends, people I know personally have been affected by the recession in the following ways:
- preparing for retirement this year, only to see portfolio drop by some 50%
- trying to sell current house to move into a new house, are having difficulty selling the current house and may have to back out of the contract for the new house
- 20% involuntary pay cut at work, yet within 24 hours had a second, part time job, to ensure that his family and responsibilities are taken care of
These are ALL real examples of real people that I know and love. Not one of them is looking for anything special. Yet, today, President Obama has basically told each of them tough crap.
We're going to SPEND another $75 BILLION to keep people in houses they NEVER had any business buying in the first place!
Yes, I am mad as hell. And I place blame all around! President Bush and the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) that ran Washington from 2001-2006 were irresponsible on virtually every item of domestic policy (aside from national security). The Republicans turned a blind eye to corruption and over spending. These fake Republicans had a significant hand in creating this recession.
At the same time, the Democrats, INCLUDING Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, upon taking control of Congress in 2006, further exacerbated the problem by further increasing spending. The Democrat led Congress also forced banks to loan money to people who had no business buying homes because, as Democrats see it, home ownership is now an ENTITLEMENT.......are you kidding me?????
The Dems forced banks to NOT act like banks and loan money to people who did not qualify for the loans they received.
The banks deserve responsibility for not standing up to the corrupt politics of the Democrats in Washington and saying no. Instead, banks went along, made billions, and are now being bailed out when they should be allowed to fail or succeed of their own volition. (CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY)
The individuals who signed loans, knowing there was NO WAY they could make the mortgage payments are also responsible for this mess. (PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY) Now, we are going to bail these people out and make their boo-boos all better.
And yet, here we sit, the middle, upper-middle and above economic classes of Americans, the success class, the ACHIEVER'S class....and what do we get? We get hard working people with young families who do the right things yet they get screwed. We have hard working retirees and people nearing retirement - people who helped build this country - worked hard and honestly, did the best they could and saved money for retirement. Only to have their retirement security wiped out in the cosmic blink of an eye. We have talented people, top performing people, who are having to take pay cuts, or are losing their jobs because the people we elect care more about getting elected than they care about doing what it right.
If you pay your bills on time, have the American Dream and a better future for your kids and a secure retirement as goals for your life, then you, like me and millions of others across this country, should be mad as hell!
Congress and our President are spending our retirement and the future standard of living of our children and unborn grandchildren into the ground.
Running up deficits on pork projects is NEVER the way to stimulate the economy.
Government can NEVER do better anything private industry can do.
The ONLY strategy and tactic that will ever grow the economy are tax cuts for the people, and tax cuts for businesses.
I do not care if you are a supply-sider or a Keynesian demand-sider. THE FACT is that when people have more money they spend more and they invest more. When companies have more money they invest in technology and in hiring people to grow their business.
When companies have more money and they employ more people, more people are at work, unemployment is lower, savings are higher, spending is higher and the economy grows.
When people buy more, companies have to make more to keep up with demand and suppliers have to supply more.
Government spending never has, and never will, be better than private sector spending. You MUST realize that government NEVER makes anything (well they never make anything but a mess of things).
We must shrink government. We must reduce taxes. Those are the two overriding goals of Take Back the Republican Party. We'll be launching the organization officially in the next 4-6 weeks and I am asking you now and I will ask you again to join us to fix America. Whether you are Republican or Democrat or Libertarian it doesn't matter, you are welcome with us. Conservative or Liberal or Moderate, you are welcome with us. Active or passive when it comes to politics, you are still welcome. No matter your background or your life experiences, you are welcome to join us.
We stand, as Americans, upon a common ground:
We all want lower taxes, yet our government (at every level) continues to do things that will ultimately raise our taxes.
We all want less government. We are Americans and we all believe in limited government interference in the lives of citizens, it is what this country was founded upon.
YET, the people we elect talk a great game, but do exactly the opposite of what we want them to do.
There are many other issues we must deal with as a country, but none can happen successfully for the long term future of America if we do not first get personal and corporate income taxes reduced, I say by 50% and the Capital Gains tax eliminated.
Those actions would jump start our economy instantly. People and companies would have more money. Companies would hire workers lowering unemployment and increasing consumer spending. People would spend and save more. This increase in spending will result in an increase in consumer and investor confidence. Investors of all sizes will flock back into the stock market, stock prices, EPS, and investor portfolios will climb once again.
More people working means more people able to buy houses. Demand for houses goes up, prices will follow. Not at the outrageous rates we experienced earlier in this decade, but to historically accurate and reasonable levels.
This is the start. I need your help. We CAN do it.....For Today. For Tomorrow. For America.
However, today, given President Obama's speech in my old stomping grounds of beautiful Mesa, AZ, if you work hard, do the right thing, pay your bills on time, you had better be so completely irritated and annoyed that if you are not already on my side, you need to be!
This recession has had a direct impact on my family and people that I know well. And, while not everyone in my family agrees with me on all of my political views, not a single one of them is looking for a handout or a bailout.
Within my circle of family and friends, people I know personally have been affected by the recession in the following ways:
- preparing for retirement this year, only to see portfolio drop by some 50%
- trying to sell current house to move into a new house, are having difficulty selling the current house and may have to back out of the contract for the new house
- 20% involuntary pay cut at work, yet within 24 hours had a second, part time job, to ensure that his family and responsibilities are taken care of
These are ALL real examples of real people that I know and love. Not one of them is looking for anything special. Yet, today, President Obama has basically told each of them tough crap.
We're going to SPEND another $75 BILLION to keep people in houses they NEVER had any business buying in the first place!
Yes, I am mad as hell. And I place blame all around! President Bush and the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) that ran Washington from 2001-2006 were irresponsible on virtually every item of domestic policy (aside from national security). The Republicans turned a blind eye to corruption and over spending. These fake Republicans had a significant hand in creating this recession.
At the same time, the Democrats, INCLUDING Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, upon taking control of Congress in 2006, further exacerbated the problem by further increasing spending. The Democrat led Congress also forced banks to loan money to people who had no business buying homes because, as Democrats see it, home ownership is now an ENTITLEMENT.......are you kidding me?????
The Dems forced banks to NOT act like banks and loan money to people who did not qualify for the loans they received.
The banks deserve responsibility for not standing up to the corrupt politics of the Democrats in Washington and saying no. Instead, banks went along, made billions, and are now being bailed out when they should be allowed to fail or succeed of their own volition. (CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY)
The individuals who signed loans, knowing there was NO WAY they could make the mortgage payments are also responsible for this mess. (PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY) Now, we are going to bail these people out and make their boo-boos all better.
And yet, here we sit, the middle, upper-middle and above economic classes of Americans, the success class, the ACHIEVER'S class....and what do we get? We get hard working people with young families who do the right things yet they get screwed. We have hard working retirees and people nearing retirement - people who helped build this country - worked hard and honestly, did the best they could and saved money for retirement. Only to have their retirement security wiped out in the cosmic blink of an eye. We have talented people, top performing people, who are having to take pay cuts, or are losing their jobs because the people we elect care more about getting elected than they care about doing what it right.
If you pay your bills on time, have the American Dream and a better future for your kids and a secure retirement as goals for your life, then you, like me and millions of others across this country, should be mad as hell!
Congress and our President are spending our retirement and the future standard of living of our children and unborn grandchildren into the ground.
Running up deficits on pork projects is NEVER the way to stimulate the economy.
Government can NEVER do better anything private industry can do.
The ONLY strategy and tactic that will ever grow the economy are tax cuts for the people, and tax cuts for businesses.
I do not care if you are a supply-sider or a Keynesian demand-sider. THE FACT is that when people have more money they spend more and they invest more. When companies have more money they invest in technology and in hiring people to grow their business.
When companies have more money and they employ more people, more people are at work, unemployment is lower, savings are higher, spending is higher and the economy grows.
When people buy more, companies have to make more to keep up with demand and suppliers have to supply more.
Government spending never has, and never will, be better than private sector spending. You MUST realize that government NEVER makes anything (well they never make anything but a mess of things).
We must shrink government. We must reduce taxes. Those are the two overriding goals of Take Back the Republican Party. We'll be launching the organization officially in the next 4-6 weeks and I am asking you now and I will ask you again to join us to fix America. Whether you are Republican or Democrat or Libertarian it doesn't matter, you are welcome with us. Conservative or Liberal or Moderate, you are welcome with us. Active or passive when it comes to politics, you are still welcome. No matter your background or your life experiences, you are welcome to join us.
We stand, as Americans, upon a common ground:
We all want lower taxes, yet our government (at every level) continues to do things that will ultimately raise our taxes.
We all want less government. We are Americans and we all believe in limited government interference in the lives of citizens, it is what this country was founded upon.
YET, the people we elect talk a great game, but do exactly the opposite of what we want them to do.
There are many other issues we must deal with as a country, but none can happen successfully for the long term future of America if we do not first get personal and corporate income taxes reduced, I say by 50% and the Capital Gains tax eliminated.
Those actions would jump start our economy instantly. People and companies would have more money. Companies would hire workers lowering unemployment and increasing consumer spending. People would spend and save more. This increase in spending will result in an increase in consumer and investor confidence. Investors of all sizes will flock back into the stock market, stock prices, EPS, and investor portfolios will climb once again.
More people working means more people able to buy houses. Demand for houses goes up, prices will follow. Not at the outrageous rates we experienced earlier in this decade, but to historically accurate and reasonable levels.
This is the start. I need your help. We CAN do it.....For Today. For Tomorrow. For America.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Recession - Catastrophe - Depression....or how about TAX CUTS!
Well, you have to hand it to Obama, he has a great way of manipulating expectations.
During the campaign, he was the great savior of hope and change.....but now that he has taken office, the President has lowered expectations to the point that, if we don't tumble into the next great depression, he thinks he'll go down in history as the greatest president of all time!
Now, let's be fair. President Obama has inherited a mess. The greatest crisis since the Great Depression?? Well I am not so sure about that. From what I have learned, unemployment and the economy were actually in worse shape when President Reagan took office in January of 1981 than they are today. But it seems our President only knows of two periods in American history - the last 8 years and the Great Depression. Unemployment in January of 1981 was at 7.5%, in January 2009, 7.2%. In Jan 81, inflation was at 14%!!!!!!!! Today, it's extremely low and depending on the report hovers between 1% - 3%(it's going to trend higher with all the deficit spending we are doing, but as of today, inflation is low).
So, President Obama, before you talk about how tax cuts don't work, and how tax cuts have resulted in us getting into this mess, let's get the facts out there for people to understand:
1. Taxes are down a couple of percentage points today, compared to where they were pre-Bush.
2. President Reagan turned the economy by instituting massive tax cuts.
From a report by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee, circa 1996 comes the following:
"The Reagan tax cuts, like similar measures enacted in the 1920s and 1960s, showed that reducing excessive tax rates stimulates growth, reduces tax avoidance, and can increase the amount and share of tax payments generated by the rich. High top tax rates can induce counterproductive behavior and suppress revenues, factors that are usually missed or understated in government static revenue analysis."
The full text can be read here
President Obama, you are flat WRONG when you say tax cuts do not work. In fact, reducing taxes on the highest earners (business and top income individuals) actually INCREASES tax revenues. I Know, this is something you and the other Liberals in America just don't understand. Further proof that Liberals just don't get it when it comes to economics.
President Reagan cut the individual tax rates, across the baord, by 25%!!! And guess what, the economy grew. The wealthiest Americans stopped hiding their money in tax shelters and actually paid MORE taxes! Not only that, but middle and low income Americans paid LESS in taxes!
The real solution is right before us. It is NOT massive spending. Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts for EVERYONE AND EVERY BUSINESS!
The stimulus bill, ie porkulus as it is being called is going to have serious consequences. Huge deficits that will have to be paid back. A further lessening of the value of the US dollar which WILL result in inflation, the likes of which we have not seen since the Carter Administration. When inflation hits 15% and it costs $6 for a box of Cheerios, you can thank both the out of control spending allowed by the Bush Administration and the Republican led Congress of 2000-2006 AND Persident Obama and his Liberal pals and the policies and plans they are about to implement.
Permanent, decisive and large tax cuts on businesses, capital gains, and individuals across the board, coupled with a 30-40% reduction in the Federal budget is THE only answer that will solve the current economic downturn we are experiencing AND allow us to be positioned for future economic growth without the heavy burdens of uncontrollable deficits and runaway inflation.....
Mr. President, it is time to do the RIGHT thing....
During the campaign, he was the great savior of hope and change.....but now that he has taken office, the President has lowered expectations to the point that, if we don't tumble into the next great depression, he thinks he'll go down in history as the greatest president of all time!
Now, let's be fair. President Obama has inherited a mess. The greatest crisis since the Great Depression?? Well I am not so sure about that. From what I have learned, unemployment and the economy were actually in worse shape when President Reagan took office in January of 1981 than they are today. But it seems our President only knows of two periods in American history - the last 8 years and the Great Depression. Unemployment in January of 1981 was at 7.5%, in January 2009, 7.2%. In Jan 81, inflation was at 14%!!!!!!!! Today, it's extremely low and depending on the report hovers between 1% - 3%(it's going to trend higher with all the deficit spending we are doing, but as of today, inflation is low).
So, President Obama, before you talk about how tax cuts don't work, and how tax cuts have resulted in us getting into this mess, let's get the facts out there for people to understand:
1. Taxes are down a couple of percentage points today, compared to where they were pre-Bush.
2. President Reagan turned the economy by instituting massive tax cuts.
From a report by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee, circa 1996 comes the following:
"The Reagan tax cuts, like similar measures enacted in the 1920s and 1960s, showed that reducing excessive tax rates stimulates growth, reduces tax avoidance, and can increase the amount and share of tax payments generated by the rich. High top tax rates can induce counterproductive behavior and suppress revenues, factors that are usually missed or understated in government static revenue analysis."
The full text can be read here
President Obama, you are flat WRONG when you say tax cuts do not work. In fact, reducing taxes on the highest earners (business and top income individuals) actually INCREASES tax revenues. I Know, this is something you and the other Liberals in America just don't understand. Further proof that Liberals just don't get it when it comes to economics.
President Reagan cut the individual tax rates, across the baord, by 25%!!! And guess what, the economy grew. The wealthiest Americans stopped hiding their money in tax shelters and actually paid MORE taxes! Not only that, but middle and low income Americans paid LESS in taxes!
The real solution is right before us. It is NOT massive spending. Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts for EVERYONE AND EVERY BUSINESS!
The stimulus bill, ie porkulus as it is being called is going to have serious consequences. Huge deficits that will have to be paid back. A further lessening of the value of the US dollar which WILL result in inflation, the likes of which we have not seen since the Carter Administration. When inflation hits 15% and it costs $6 for a box of Cheerios, you can thank both the out of control spending allowed by the Bush Administration and the Republican led Congress of 2000-2006 AND Persident Obama and his Liberal pals and the policies and plans they are about to implement.
Permanent, decisive and large tax cuts on businesses, capital gains, and individuals across the board, coupled with a 30-40% reduction in the Federal budget is THE only answer that will solve the current economic downturn we are experiencing AND allow us to be positioned for future economic growth without the heavy burdens of uncontrollable deficits and runaway inflation.....
Mr. President, it is time to do the RIGHT thing....
Friday, February 6, 2009
Buffalo, geese and the "stimulus" bill
I am not sure if any of you have heard the comparison story about buffalo and geese in business, and how all the buffalo will follow the "lead buffalo" even if the lead buffalo leads them to their death. Whereas geese operate in a different manner. Geese fly in "V" formations, still traveling in groups like the buffalo, but if the lead goose falls ill and drops from the sky, plunging to its death, the rest of the geese do not follow the "leader" into the ground, another goose takes the lead spot in the "V" and on they fly.
You should ask yourself if you are a buffalo, following our "leader" in thinking the proposed "stimulus" bill is really the right way to lead our economy through the rough patch we are experiencing. You see, President Obama is now resorting to FEAR tactics in his effort to get his spending bill passed. The bill is not a stimulus bill, well the part about tax cuts will have a stimulating effect on the economy, that is for certain. But all of the pork project spending in the bill will in no way stimulate anything but the growth of government.
Every day I speak with people frustrated with the amount they pay in taxes, the size and scope and intrusiveness of government. Yet, people still believe we can somehow spend over a TRILLION dollars that we do not have, burden our children with debt they will NEVER be able to pay off, and still preserve the standard or living and way of life that makes America the greatest country in the history on humankind.
The ONLY way to stimulate economic recovery, job growth, to reduce taxes AND reduce the size of government and government spending. In a time when our "leader" should be actually leading us toward recovery, he is wanting us to be buffalo and get us to follow him down the road toward socialism........
The choice is very clear. Be a buffalo, follow Obama and drag our great country into socialism. And in case you have forgotten, the SOCIALIST economies of Europe are in far worse shape than the US. Socialism does not and has not EVER worked.
Or, be a goose and let Obama drive himself and his party into the ground. Allow America to stay true to our heritage and our greatness. Sacrifice some today so that our parents can be proud and our children can have a future ripe with realization of their own American dreams.......
So, are you a buffalo, or are you a goose?
You should ask yourself if you are a buffalo, following our "leader" in thinking the proposed "stimulus" bill is really the right way to lead our economy through the rough patch we are experiencing. You see, President Obama is now resorting to FEAR tactics in his effort to get his spending bill passed. The bill is not a stimulus bill, well the part about tax cuts will have a stimulating effect on the economy, that is for certain. But all of the pork project spending in the bill will in no way stimulate anything but the growth of government.
Every day I speak with people frustrated with the amount they pay in taxes, the size and scope and intrusiveness of government. Yet, people still believe we can somehow spend over a TRILLION dollars that we do not have, burden our children with debt they will NEVER be able to pay off, and still preserve the standard or living and way of life that makes America the greatest country in the history on humankind.
The ONLY way to stimulate economic recovery, job growth, to reduce taxes AND reduce the size of government and government spending. In a time when our "leader" should be actually leading us toward recovery, he is wanting us to be buffalo and get us to follow him down the road toward socialism........
The choice is very clear. Be a buffalo, follow Obama and drag our great country into socialism. And in case you have forgotten, the SOCIALIST economies of Europe are in far worse shape than the US. Socialism does not and has not EVER worked.
Or, be a goose and let Obama drive himself and his party into the ground. Allow America to stay true to our heritage and our greatness. Sacrifice some today so that our parents can be proud and our children can have a future ripe with realization of their own American dreams.......
So, are you a buffalo, or are you a goose?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Bailout #2 is coming.......
Bailout II will be bigger. It will:
- Create a "bad bank" to own the worst of the so-called toxic assets now burning through bank balance sheets.
- Guarantee hundreds of billions more in shaky assets that banks decide to keep in their vaults.
- Help to prevent foreclosures and to reduce unsustainable large mortgage payments.
- Require more limits on CEO pay and bonuses, more visibility into how banks use taxpayer money and more disclosure of who lobbied whom to get billions for specific banks.
So, yet again, those of us that pay our bills on time, that try to live responsibly and within our means, are going to get the short end of the stick.
Personal Responsibility has lost ALL value in this country. Today, we have become a nation of people who strive for mediocrity. We have become a nation of people without the backbone to stand up against what is wrong and for what is right. Instead, we coddle those that are irresponsible and choose to make bad decisions. We take care of able bodied who don't work because they don't want to, or because they feel they are owed something.
Many years ago, I was 5 months behind on my mortgage, receiving letters every other day from the mortgage company threatening foreclosure. Did I ask for or receive a bailout? NO. You see, there are still some (I hope MILLIONS) of us that were brought up to take responsibility for our actions. To do whatever it takes to make it....for me that meant 3 jobs, cashing in the change bucket, foregoing any and all extras, to help get my family back on the right track. Sure my credit score got trashed. And yes, it took years and years to rebuild it. People make mistakes, it is only human. And while people should not be unduly ridiculed for their mistakes, we should all have to pay the price and do what it takes to right those errors.
We really are at a turning point in the history of our country. Down the road we are following is bigger and bigger government with a larger and larger percentage of the population in servitude to the government in one form or another. Be it through this next bailout which promises to have the government take all of the "bad" assets from the banks or forgiving people of their mortgage payments, or expanding government provided health care coverage. We MUST understand that ALL of these are things which allow government to get larger and take away more and more of the freedoms earned for us by our ancestors.
Thankfully, there is an alternative. The alternative is for me, and you, and everyone you know, to join the next American revolution. It starts with me and my team that are working hard to launch "Take Back the Republican Party". It continues as you and everyone you know and everyone they know join the revolution to restore our country to one comprised of the following:
1) Personal Responsibility - No more bailouts. It is time we take our medicine and fix the problems we have been using band-aids on....
2) Small, Limited Government - As the founders intended, we must dramatically, and quickly reduce the size of government at every level, returning most governing decisions to the state and local level.....
3) Immediate Reduction in Taxes - The ONLY - ONLY - ONLY way to truly stimulate the economy is by putting more money in the hands of the people that grow the economy. Businesses should be allowed to keep more of the money they earn to invest in new technologies and jobs. Individuals should be allowed to keep more of the money they earn as that money also gets pumped immediately and directly into the economy.
4) Ending and reversing the economic devastation happening to our cities and towns as the result of illegal immigration. America was built on the backs of immigrants. Immigrants who came to America LEGALLY and worked hard to make America and their lives better....not to send the money they earn back to their country of origin. THAT is the greatest redistribution of wealth happening in America today and it must stop now.
I know we have a long, difficult road ahead of us. I also know, as the result of the people I speak with each day, we are fed up with the way things are, and the direction towards which things are headed. NOW is the time to act. But, in America, anything IS possible.
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