Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do you pay your bills on time.....

Let me preface by saying, myself included, I think we have all had times in life when we have been late on a payment, or maybe even two or three.

However, today, given President Obama's speech in my old stomping grounds of beautiful Mesa, AZ, if you work hard, do the right thing, pay your bills on time, you had better be so completely irritated and annoyed that if you are not already on my side, you need to be!

This recession has had a direct impact on my family and people that I know well. And, while not everyone in my family agrees with me on all of my political views, not a single one of them is looking for a handout or a bailout.

Within my circle of family and friends, people I know personally have been affected by the recession in the following ways:
- preparing for retirement this year, only to see portfolio drop by some 50%
- trying to sell current house to move into a new house, are having difficulty selling the current house and may have to back out of the contract for the new house
- 20% involuntary pay cut at work, yet within 24 hours had a second, part time job, to ensure that his family and responsibilities are taken care of

These are ALL real examples of real people that I know and love. Not one of them is looking for anything special. Yet, today, President Obama has basically told each of them tough crap.

We're going to SPEND another $75 BILLION to keep people in houses they NEVER had any business buying in the first place!

Yes, I am mad as hell. And I place blame all around! President Bush and the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) that ran Washington from 2001-2006 were irresponsible on virtually every item of domestic policy (aside from national security). The Republicans turned a blind eye to corruption and over spending. These fake Republicans had a significant hand in creating this recession.

At the same time, the Democrats, INCLUDING Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, upon taking control of Congress in 2006, further exacerbated the problem by further increasing spending. The Democrat led Congress also forced banks to loan money to people who had no business buying homes because, as Democrats see it, home ownership is now an ENTITLEMENT.......are you kidding me?????

The Dems forced banks to NOT act like banks and loan money to people who did not qualify for the loans they received.
The banks deserve responsibility for not standing up to the corrupt politics of the Democrats in Washington and saying no. Instead, banks went along, made billions, and are now being bailed out when they should be allowed to fail or succeed of their own volition. (CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY)
The individuals who signed loans, knowing there was NO WAY they could make the mortgage payments are also responsible for this mess. (PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY) Now, we are going to bail these people out and make their boo-boos all better.

And yet, here we sit, the middle, upper-middle and above economic classes of Americans, the success class, the ACHIEVER'S class....and what do we get? We get hard working people with young families who do the right things yet they get screwed. We have hard working retirees and people nearing retirement - people who helped build this country - worked hard and honestly, did the best they could and saved money for retirement. Only to have their retirement security wiped out in the cosmic blink of an eye. We have talented people, top performing people, who are having to take pay cuts, or are losing their jobs because the people we elect care more about getting elected than they care about doing what it right.

If you pay your bills on time, have the American Dream and a better future for your kids and a secure retirement as goals for your life, then you, like me and millions of others across this country, should be mad as hell!

Congress and our President are spending our retirement and the future standard of living of our children and unborn grandchildren into the ground.

Running up deficits on pork projects is NEVER the way to stimulate the economy.
Government can NEVER do better anything private industry can do.
The ONLY strategy and tactic that will ever grow the economy are tax cuts for the people, and tax cuts for businesses.

I do not care if you are a supply-sider or a Keynesian demand-sider. THE FACT is that when people have more money they spend more and they invest more. When companies have more money they invest in technology and in hiring people to grow their business.

When companies have more money and they employ more people, more people are at work, unemployment is lower, savings are higher, spending is higher and the economy grows.
When people buy more, companies have to make more to keep up with demand and suppliers have to supply more.

Government spending never has, and never will, be better than private sector spending. You MUST realize that government NEVER makes anything (well they never make anything but a mess of things).

We must shrink government. We must reduce taxes. Those are the two overriding goals of Take Back the Republican Party. We'll be launching the organization officially in the next 4-6 weeks and I am asking you now and I will ask you again to join us to fix America. Whether you are Republican or Democrat or Libertarian it doesn't matter, you are welcome with us. Conservative or Liberal or Moderate, you are welcome with us. Active or passive when it comes to politics, you are still welcome. No matter your background or your life experiences, you are welcome to join us.

We stand, as Americans, upon a common ground:
We all want lower taxes, yet our government (at every level) continues to do things that will ultimately raise our taxes.
We all want less government. We are Americans and we all believe in limited government interference in the lives of citizens, it is what this country was founded upon.

YET, the people we elect talk a great game, but do exactly the opposite of what we want them to do.

There are many other issues we must deal with as a country, but none can happen successfully for the long term future of America if we do not first get personal and corporate income taxes reduced, I say by 50% and the Capital Gains tax eliminated.

Those actions would jump start our economy instantly. People and companies would have more money. Companies would hire workers lowering unemployment and increasing consumer spending. People would spend and save more. This increase in spending will result in an increase in consumer and investor confidence. Investors of all sizes will flock back into the stock market, stock prices, EPS, and investor portfolios will climb once again.

More people working means more people able to buy houses. Demand for houses goes up, prices will follow. Not at the outrageous rates we experienced earlier in this decade, but to historically accurate and reasonable levels.

This is the start. I need your help. We CAN do it.....For Today. For Tomorrow. For America.

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