As I have been super busy with activities related to Take Back The Republican Party, attending numerous events to spread the word about TBTRP, and writing for for my role as Charlotte Republican Examiner I have not been blogging lately.
However, the health care abomination bill being pushed through Congress has me back on the blogging trail.
I am very concerned that the government is expanding its reach into yet another area of American life - health care and health care insurance. As I have written before, I believe that we should be pulling government, at EVERY level, OUT of the health care insurance equation. The fact is, there is NOTHING that government does well, and more importantly, there is nothing government does that can not be done better by private enterprise. Why anyone among us believes that government run health care will be successful is beyond any semblance of logical reasoning. But the Democrats, in their quest to wreck America, take to the bully pulpit and claim how they so incredibly "care" about the 40 million uninsured Americans.
So I ask, let's require that group of uninsured Americans to be defined. How many of the uninsured:
- Can pay for health care insurance, but choose not to?
- Are illegal aliens and as such should not even be here, let alone be receiving health care and burdening our hospitals and driving up premiums for the rest of us?
- Frankly are unhealthy, and as a result, no insurance company will cover them?
We must put numbers to each of these groups so that we can determine the REAL number of Americans who do not have health insurance for reasons that would get those of us on the Right to say "perhaps we should come up with a solution to help".
At the same time, we need to allow people the freedom of choice when buying health care insurance. There are no other buyer-seller relationships so corrupted by government as is health care. We should have the ability to buy ANY policy we want with ANY coverage we want (or don't want as the case may be). Government should not be allowed to dictate the 100+ rare diseases be mandatory coverage for EVERYONE. Government does not have the right to price fix the process, or control what method of care a patient receives. Those are decisions best left to the patient and doctor.
Similarly, people who are healthy and live a healthy lifestyle should not have the same premiums as someone who is unhealthy and lives an unhealthy lifestyle. This "everyone pays the same premium" is garbage. It gets sold to us as "group coverage" and how we are all so lucky to get lower premiums because we are part of a group....the reality is that is not true. Our systems penalizes the healthy and health conscious and rewards unhealthy behavior and lifestyles. In fact, these group insurance plans place an unfair de facto tax on tens of millions of Americans and American families. People who are unhealthy should pay more for insurance than those who are healthy...and as a persons health status improves, their premiums should go down.
Additionally, we need to educate people about the reasons for buying insurance in the first place. People should have major medical insurance to protect them in the event that an unforeseen and catastrophic medical event takes place. This type of major medical insurance has a high deductible and low premiums. However, using tax dollars to pay for people to go to the dr when they have a cold so they can take advantage of a $25 dr co-pay is simply not acceptable. Same goes for prescription drug coverage. Most Americans are so dramatically OVER insured that it does nothing but pad the drug companies and the insurance companies profit margins.
If major medical costs $100 a month and the forced mass coverage plans totals $700 per month, that means people (and companies) are paying $600 a month ($7,200 per YEAR) for $25 dr visits and $10 drug co-pays. Let me tell you, you have to go to the dr A LOT to even break even!!!
It's time to bring common sense to our country's health care and health care insurance scenario. I encourage you call/fax/e-mail your Democrat AND Republican US House and US Senate Representatives and tell them you do NOT want nationalized medicine and that you want the government to get out of the health care industry!
We CAN do better than the system in place today. But going to a system that has MORE government interference is NOT the correct way for us to proceed.