4 months into the President Obama's tenure and we have discovered a couple of things about "hope and change":
1) Hope and change are what people cling to when government has stripped them of their belief in themselves and their ability to achieve their own personal American Dream
2) Hope and change are actually code words for politics as usual only with MORE government spending
Like many people, I tried to give the new President the benefit of the doubt for at least the first 100 days...but lets face it, he is exactly who we knew he was....he just campaigned to the right of McCain and once again the Democrats beat the GOP at what should be the GOP's game.
So, hope and change has become more political promises unfilled and the only change is that instead of having a HUGE spending social conservative in the Oval Office, we have a bigger spending social liberal.
I have said it 1,000 times before.....elections have consequences.
So, now that "it is what it is" what can we do?
I have some ideas!
The first is for us stop complaining about what has already been done.
Next, lets use our energy and desire for a better America to work together!
The fact is, those of us in the center and on the right agree on so much....these things we agree upon I now call the "Principles of Republicanism"
The "Principles of Republicanism" are defined as follows:
- We want low taxes and agree taxes are too high
- We agree government is too big and too wasteful and we want small, responsive, lean and solutions based government
- We want free enterprise to be allowed to work (that means rewarding success and achievement and penalizing failure without government interference)
- We want government completely and permanently removed from our daily and personal lives
So now, instead of getting bogged down and arguing about the details of how the "Principles of Republicanism" get implemented, we need to find leaders who will run on a clear and consistent message of the "Principles of Republicanism" and we need to support them and the organizations that are working to get them elected. Once we regain power all across America in the fall of 2009 and 2010 we can work together to implement the right solutions.
And it is time to understand that hope is reflective of the absence of faith. If we would simply work to restore our faith in ourselves and help our friends, neighbors, co-workers to find faith in themselves.....then one by one by one, our collective dependence on hoping government will fix things for us will wain and the indivudual and collective greatness of America will once again be on the rise!
We can do it! We can do better! We have to.......
Please learn more about the "Principles of Republicanism" at www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com
Have faith in yourself....for that is where the key to your personal power and personal greatness is waiting for you!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Republicanism - NOT GOP politics as usual
As Founder of Take Back The Republican Party (www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com) I am privileged to have conversations with good people from all across America each day. Like you, they are frustrated - some are even angry - at the state of our union and the direction we are being forced down by the Socialists. From each conversation I am part of, I listen and learn to what people have to say. Over the last 9 months, here is some of what I have learned:
1) Americans - regardless of their party affiliation or social beliefs, overwhelmingly want low taxes, small government (with governing decisions made as close (local) to the people as possible), and the freedom and liberty granted us by the Constitution to be restored, preserved and upheld.
2) Americans are tired of both sides and the media focusing on the issues that divide us. People are desperately seeking an end to the divisiveness and instead, want our country to focus on the things that we agree on - low taxes, small govt, the Constitution.
3) Americans are confused by the plethora of niche groups who focus on one ideological issue instead of focusing on the most urgent and pressing needs of the day with real and reasonable solutions and plans to achieve those solutions.
4) Americans don't know what to do to make a difference and feel like, alone, they can not make a difference.
As a result of our research at TBTRP, we've come to understand that we the people, are overwhelmingly united in our belief in and desire for Republicanism to be THE set of governing principles used to run the country. Republicanism is low taxes, small government, decision making driven to the most local level possible to increase the ability of the people to have a say and to hold elected officials accountable, and certainly, the restoration - preservation - enforcement - upholding of the Constitution - most especially as it relates to the freedoms and liberties granted to us as Americans.
We have also found that there is confusion in the real world about the difference between Republicanism as a set of governing principles, and Conservatism as a set of social beliefs. The two do NOT necessarily go together. For example, the are big government proponents (Socialists) who are very Conservative on social issues. The best example of this would be President George W Bush. Under President Bush, we saw a definite focus on moving social policy to the right, but at the same time we saw an unprecedented (until Obama) expansion in the size of government spending. It's not the Conservative policy of President Bush that turned off so many Americans, it is that he claimed to be Republican yet did not govern in the tradition of Republicanism - government grew, the economy soured, people got angry about the war - and as a result the people felt lied to by our government and politicians once again. So, in 2006 the people said enough of the RINO's and the "Republican Party" and voted in the Democrats (whom I refer to as Socialists as that is a more appropriate definition). Did the American people WANT Democrat Party rule? Of course not, but the Democrats do what they say. Crazy as it sounds, people like that.
At the same time, there are people who are Moderate or Liberal in their social beliefs, yet very much want, and want to vote for, Republicanism. And they do. In fact, most Americans vote purely based on a candidate's governing principles. Case in point, let's go back to 2008. The numbers tell us that only 22% of the American people consider themselves Liberal. 34% Conservative. 44% Moderate. One would think that the more socially conservative candidate would win every time. Just capture 37% of the Moderate vote and victory is achieved. However, it's not social philosophy that drives the majority of the vote in America - it is governing principles. And we know that Republicanism is the desired set of governing principles people want. So, which candidate did a better job of convincing the people he was the one with the Republicanism principles? Correct, it was Obama. What was the message he used to swing the vote his way? "Tax Cuts for 95% of Americans." Clear, concise, and people could relate to that message. Forget all the other stuff.....people first and foremost care about their finances!! You would think that after Bill Clinton and "It's the economy, stupid." and Obama with "Tax cuts for 95% of Americans." that those leading the GOP would have the light bulb turn on.....and yet, even under new leadership, it has not changed the GOP.
The answer is NOT to move to the center or the left and become the Democrat Party light. The answer is NOT to compromise on your social beliefs (no matter what they may be). The answer, no matter if you are Conservative, Moderate or Liberal is to understand that governing principles drives votes.
The answer is that in order to take back power, we must win elections. To win elections we must throw away the current playbook and people calling the plays for the GOP. We must, one town, one city, one county, one state at a time, replace GOP "leaders" with people who understand its about winning elections and to win elections we must have a clear, simple, understandable message of Republicanism and deliver it in a way that regular people can relate.
Today there is no clear message coming from the GOP. And, the message, if one could call it that, that the GOP is delivering is not the message of Republicanism. We MUST change that.....or we absolutely will continue to see our freedom and liberty diminish - our taxes will go up further - our government will grow even larger - and our way of life will continue to evaporate.
I ask, encourage, urge, beg each of you reading this to become part of the solution and help us Take Back The Republican Party.
Thank you for reading and God bless America.
For Today. For Tomorrow. For AMERICA!
1) Americans - regardless of their party affiliation or social beliefs, overwhelmingly want low taxes, small government (with governing decisions made as close (local) to the people as possible), and the freedom and liberty granted us by the Constitution to be restored, preserved and upheld.
2) Americans are tired of both sides and the media focusing on the issues that divide us. People are desperately seeking an end to the divisiveness and instead, want our country to focus on the things that we agree on - low taxes, small govt, the Constitution.
3) Americans are confused by the plethora of niche groups who focus on one ideological issue instead of focusing on the most urgent and pressing needs of the day with real and reasonable solutions and plans to achieve those solutions.
4) Americans don't know what to do to make a difference and feel like, alone, they can not make a difference.
As a result of our research at TBTRP, we've come to understand that we the people, are overwhelmingly united in our belief in and desire for Republicanism to be THE set of governing principles used to run the country. Republicanism is low taxes, small government, decision making driven to the most local level possible to increase the ability of the people to have a say and to hold elected officials accountable, and certainly, the restoration - preservation - enforcement - upholding of the Constitution - most especially as it relates to the freedoms and liberties granted to us as Americans.
We have also found that there is confusion in the real world about the difference between Republicanism as a set of governing principles, and Conservatism as a set of social beliefs. The two do NOT necessarily go together. For example, the are big government proponents (Socialists) who are very Conservative on social issues. The best example of this would be President George W Bush. Under President Bush, we saw a definite focus on moving social policy to the right, but at the same time we saw an unprecedented (until Obama) expansion in the size of government spending. It's not the Conservative policy of President Bush that turned off so many Americans, it is that he claimed to be Republican yet did not govern in the tradition of Republicanism - government grew, the economy soured, people got angry about the war - and as a result the people felt lied to by our government and politicians once again. So, in 2006 the people said enough of the RINO's and the "Republican Party" and voted in the Democrats (whom I refer to as Socialists as that is a more appropriate definition). Did the American people WANT Democrat Party rule? Of course not, but the Democrats do what they say. Crazy as it sounds, people like that.
At the same time, there are people who are Moderate or Liberal in their social beliefs, yet very much want, and want to vote for, Republicanism. And they do. In fact, most Americans vote purely based on a candidate's governing principles. Case in point, let's go back to 2008. The numbers tell us that only 22% of the American people consider themselves Liberal. 34% Conservative. 44% Moderate. One would think that the more socially conservative candidate would win every time. Just capture 37% of the Moderate vote and victory is achieved. However, it's not social philosophy that drives the majority of the vote in America - it is governing principles. And we know that Republicanism is the desired set of governing principles people want. So, which candidate did a better job of convincing the people he was the one with the Republicanism principles? Correct, it was Obama. What was the message he used to swing the vote his way? "Tax Cuts for 95% of Americans." Clear, concise, and people could relate to that message. Forget all the other stuff.....people first and foremost care about their finances!! You would think that after Bill Clinton and "It's the economy, stupid." and Obama with "Tax cuts for 95% of Americans." that those leading the GOP would have the light bulb turn on.....and yet, even under new leadership, it has not changed the GOP.
The answer is NOT to move to the center or the left and become the Democrat Party light. The answer is NOT to compromise on your social beliefs (no matter what they may be). The answer, no matter if you are Conservative, Moderate or Liberal is to understand that governing principles drives votes.
The answer is that in order to take back power, we must win elections. To win elections we must throw away the current playbook and people calling the plays for the GOP. We must, one town, one city, one county, one state at a time, replace GOP "leaders" with people who understand its about winning elections and to win elections we must have a clear, simple, understandable message of Republicanism and deliver it in a way that regular people can relate.
Today there is no clear message coming from the GOP. And, the message, if one could call it that, that the GOP is delivering is not the message of Republicanism. We MUST change that.....or we absolutely will continue to see our freedom and liberty diminish - our taxes will go up further - our government will grow even larger - and our way of life will continue to evaporate.
I ask, encourage, urge, beg each of you reading this to become part of the solution and help us Take Back The Republican Party.
Thank you for reading and God bless America.
For Today. For Tomorrow. For AMERICA!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Try this on for size (actually I can't think of a good title for this one, but please read anyway)
I received an e-mail from a meetup group I belong to...it talked about how making 30,000 calls to Congress did somethng or other....below is the response I wrote to that board.....
"I will caution you....thumping our chests, stomping our feet and making 30,000 calls to Congress are all well and good, but they do not solve the problem.
The only thing that will solve the problems is to understand that we are not in a battle between Democrats and Republicans, but we are in an epic war between Republicanism and Socialism....and right now, Socialism is winning.
Why is Socialism winning? A couple of reasons. First, the people the have been in charge of leading the GOP for the past 15 or so years have abused their power and not lived up to the principles of Republicanism that almost every American agrees is the way government needs to operate. The GOP has repeatedly nominated RINO's, when they should have been finding and nominating and getting elected REAL Republicans. Remember, a RINO is someone who is a liberal politician that believes in Socialism and expands government, wants more people dependent on government so as to secure votes, and will not stand up and LEAD. A REAL Republican will not only talk the principles of Republicanism, but will stand up and lead and act on those principles. During the 90's when the GOP controlled Congress, we should have seen a shrinking of the size and scope of the federal government by 75%. They failed, no matter what Newt tells you. From 2000-2006 the GOP again was in charge of Congress AND the White House, but these were not REAL Republicans. They are all RINO's and they all FAILED at shrinking the federal government, instead, they spent like the liberal socialists that they are, and again, they let US down. For example, go look at Sue Myrick's record. She is not the great conservative Republican she claims to be.....she voted against the stimulus until the Democrats sweetened the pot for her....then she voted for it. Look at her record from 2000-2006....she was a free spending, big government lib.
This is not to attack Rep Myrick or Newt or anyone else individually. Rather, it is to point out the fact that calling Congress, stomping feet, looking for third party options, or other radical things is just NOT what we need to be doing.
What we need to do is mobilize together, take over the county and state and national GOP groups, kick out those who are not absolute and die hard believers and leaders of Republicanism (small govt, low taxes, individual liberty, upholding and enforcing the Constitution, returning governing power to the state and local levels). We need to come together as an organized group, under one leadership vision. To Take Back THe Republican Party, find, recruit, fund and elect REAL Republicans who will defend AMerica, the Constitution and our way of life against Socialism.
On our site, www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com we have a ticker. It is the number of days, hours and minutes until the 2010 elections. We have to get moving NOW, before another day is wasted.
We must understand that elections are won all over America by the candidate who has the most simple and understandable message of Republicanism. The most liberal US Senator won the Presidency in 2008 because he ran his campaign around a singular message of Republicanism "Tax cuts for 95% of the American people". "Our" candidate and party had no message. And "our" party did not focus on Republicanism.
The beauty of Republicanism is that it is a set of governing principles that does not require you to compromise on your social beliefs. Rather, it is THE ONLY set of governing principles that insure you are able to keep those beliefs and that the government can do nothing to infringe upon those beliefs, ie your individual liberties.
This is a really, really important time in the history of the United States of America. Continuing to do what we have done (be complacent, complain, but still sit on the sidelines thinking we are helpless) is not the right way to move forward. The right thing to do, for our parents, our children, grandchildren and all future generations of Americans is to understand that we all agree on the same things - we want and need dramatically lower taxes, a federal government less than half the size it is today, restoration and preservation of the Constitution and all of the freedoms and liberties granted to us under that amazing document, return of governing decisions to the most local level possible. Is any single one of us going to get "our" way in how the details of each of these things play out? The answer is NO. But, if we get a 50% cut in income taxes, elimination of the capital gains tax, federal government that only has 2 departments (Defense and Justice) and defense of the Constitution.....who among us would really complain???????????????????
But it requires that we come together, locally, regionally and nationally. It requires that we kick out the good old "boy" network of political favors and favoritism, put people of principled leadership in charge, and nominate leaders to run for office against the politicians.
That is why I have spent my own money to start up and stand up Take Back The Republican Party. Not for any personal gain, but because it is something that must be done. It's time for the generations that have come after the Baby Boomers to do something real to make our parents proud, strengthen our country, and make it possible for our children and future generations to live life free from tyranny and full of individual liberty.
I look forward to meeting you at the meeting next week. I encourage you to get on board with us - we are working to build a group of 500 people who will all meet at one location, and 10 wide and 50 deep, walk into the July 4th Tea Party in Charlotte arm in arm and make an absolute statement to everyone watching and everyone in attendance that business as usual is not good enough for America any longer.
The time for divisiveness has passed. It is time for us to rally around our common belief in the principles of Republicanism, fix what is wrong with government and strengthen our country. There is NO issue more important or mission more vital to freedom than this movement.
And, as Ronald Reagan was famous for saying, "If you agree with me on 80% of the issues, you ARE my friend." That's the attitude we need to fix our country!
"I will caution you....thumping our chests, stomping our feet and making 30,000 calls to Congress are all well and good, but they do not solve the problem.
The only thing that will solve the problems is to understand that we are not in a battle between Democrats and Republicans, but we are in an epic war between Republicanism and Socialism....and right now, Socialism is winning.
Why is Socialism winning? A couple of reasons. First, the people the have been in charge of leading the GOP for the past 15 or so years have abused their power and not lived up to the principles of Republicanism that almost every American agrees is the way government needs to operate. The GOP has repeatedly nominated RINO's, when they should have been finding and nominating and getting elected REAL Republicans. Remember, a RINO is someone who is a liberal politician that believes in Socialism and expands government, wants more people dependent on government so as to secure votes, and will not stand up and LEAD. A REAL Republican will not only talk the principles of Republicanism, but will stand up and lead and act on those principles. During the 90's when the GOP controlled Congress, we should have seen a shrinking of the size and scope of the federal government by 75%. They failed, no matter what Newt tells you. From 2000-2006 the GOP again was in charge of Congress AND the White House, but these were not REAL Republicans. They are all RINO's and they all FAILED at shrinking the federal government, instead, they spent like the liberal socialists that they are, and again, they let US down. For example, go look at Sue Myrick's record. She is not the great conservative Republican she claims to be.....she voted against the stimulus until the Democrats sweetened the pot for her....then she voted for it. Look at her record from 2000-2006....she was a free spending, big government lib.
This is not to attack Rep Myrick or Newt or anyone else individually. Rather, it is to point out the fact that calling Congress, stomping feet, looking for third party options, or other radical things is just NOT what we need to be doing.
What we need to do is mobilize together, take over the county and state and national GOP groups, kick out those who are not absolute and die hard believers and leaders of Republicanism (small govt, low taxes, individual liberty, upholding and enforcing the Constitution, returning governing power to the state and local levels). We need to come together as an organized group, under one leadership vision. To Take Back THe Republican Party, find, recruit, fund and elect REAL Republicans who will defend AMerica, the Constitution and our way of life against Socialism.
On our site, www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com we have a ticker. It is the number of days, hours and minutes until the 2010 elections. We have to get moving NOW, before another day is wasted.
We must understand that elections are won all over America by the candidate who has the most simple and understandable message of Republicanism. The most liberal US Senator won the Presidency in 2008 because he ran his campaign around a singular message of Republicanism "Tax cuts for 95% of the American people". "Our" candidate and party had no message. And "our" party did not focus on Republicanism.
The beauty of Republicanism is that it is a set of governing principles that does not require you to compromise on your social beliefs. Rather, it is THE ONLY set of governing principles that insure you are able to keep those beliefs and that the government can do nothing to infringe upon those beliefs, ie your individual liberties.
This is a really, really important time in the history of the United States of America. Continuing to do what we have done (be complacent, complain, but still sit on the sidelines thinking we are helpless) is not the right way to move forward. The right thing to do, for our parents, our children, grandchildren and all future generations of Americans is to understand that we all agree on the same things - we want and need dramatically lower taxes, a federal government less than half the size it is today, restoration and preservation of the Constitution and all of the freedoms and liberties granted to us under that amazing document, return of governing decisions to the most local level possible. Is any single one of us going to get "our" way in how the details of each of these things play out? The answer is NO. But, if we get a 50% cut in income taxes, elimination of the capital gains tax, federal government that only has 2 departments (Defense and Justice) and defense of the Constitution.....who among us would really complain???????????????????
But it requires that we come together, locally, regionally and nationally. It requires that we kick out the good old "boy" network of political favors and favoritism, put people of principled leadership in charge, and nominate leaders to run for office against the politicians.
That is why I have spent my own money to start up and stand up Take Back The Republican Party. Not for any personal gain, but because it is something that must be done. It's time for the generations that have come after the Baby Boomers to do something real to make our parents proud, strengthen our country, and make it possible for our children and future generations to live life free from tyranny and full of individual liberty.
I look forward to meeting you at the meeting next week. I encourage you to get on board with us - we are working to build a group of 500 people who will all meet at one location, and 10 wide and 50 deep, walk into the July 4th Tea Party in Charlotte arm in arm and make an absolute statement to everyone watching and everyone in attendance that business as usual is not good enough for America any longer.
The time for divisiveness has passed. It is time for us to rally around our common belief in the principles of Republicanism, fix what is wrong with government and strengthen our country. There is NO issue more important or mission more vital to freedom than this movement.
And, as Ronald Reagan was famous for saying, "If you agree with me on 80% of the issues, you ARE my friend." That's the attitude we need to fix our country!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Republicanism the ONLY Path for Social Conservative Agenda
It has become plainly evident over the past number of years that there are numerous points of contention among the American people. For far too long, it has been the divisive ideologies that have been the focus, and the result has been an overwhelming power grab by the Democrat Party. Being a fiscal and social Conservative myself, this has been the impetus for the creation of Take Back The Republican Party. I have no burning desire to become a political activist, nor a craving for the spotlight or political office. Rather, in the fall of 2008 I surveyed the landscape for real leadership and found nothing but barren tundra. So, I asked myself, “If not me, then who….if not now, then when?” and with that began the journey which has seen the successful launch of www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com .
So, like many, you be thinking, sounds great, but how do we Take Back The Republican Party? It’s not only a great question, but a very serious one as well.
First, we must understand that Americans fall into one of six categories. On one side are those who believe in Republicanism. On the other side are people who believe in Socialism.
Those who believe in Republicanism as the correct set of governing principles are in favor of:
Low Taxes
Small Government with the best governing happening at the most local level possible
Personal Freedom and Individual Liberties
Rule of Law
Upholding the Constitution
Free Enterprise
Those who believe in Socialism favor:
High Taxes
Big Government
Government that tells you what you can/can’t do/see/hear/read/watch
Reliance on Government
Manipulating Laws and the Constitution to further their political power
Government Ownership of Business
We must then include Social Philosophy as the second ingredient to understand how to win elections. There are 3 types of Social Philosophy – Conservative, Moderate, Liberal. In fact, people with each of the social philosophies are represented within the two different governing principles as follows:
Republicanism – Conservative
Republicanism – Moderate
Republicanism – Liberal
Socialism – Conservative
Socialism – Moderate
Socialism – Liberal
People who believe in Socialist governing principles as well as people who believe in Republicanism that are Moderate and Liberal put their governing principles first, their social philosophy second. Social Conservatives who believe in Republicanism is the one group that puts social philosophy first and governing principles second. This is an extremely important point to understand. The hard fact is, in order for our country to be returned to a path of Social Conservatism, those of us who believe in Republicanism must win back power. The only way to win power is to win elections. The way to win elections is to understand how EVERYONE believes and how they vote.
The Liberal media and the Democrat (Socialist) Party in America, has taken power by:
- Talking Republicanism during campaigns (Tax cuts for 95% of Americans ring a bell?) (And this is PROOF that governing principles move votes more than social issues, whether we like it or not, it is reality.)
- Understanding marketing, creating simple and consistent marketing plans that regular people can relate to.
- Portraying everyone who believes in Republicanism as Conservatives, and convincing people that Conservatives are intolerant, hateful and lack compassion. (All of which is patently untrue, but GOP leadership has failed miserably in creating a platform and message to counter the media.)
Tell me, what was the message that the GOP took to the American people in 2008?
That’s right, there wasn’t one. Hmmmm, no wonder 78% of Americans claim to be Conservative or Moderate in their social views, yet the Liberal candidates won all over America.
This is further proof that, in FACT, it is governing principles that dictate how people vote. The Democrats did a better job of talking Republicanism than the GOP, and as a result, they got more votes. More votes = election victory. Election victory = Power.
Power = Ability to shape governing policies AND social policies.
This is absolutely NOT to say that we should compromise on our Conservative values and beliefs. Rather, it is to explain that, in order to have the power to shape social policies, we must win elections. And, in order to win elections we must understand that the overwhelming majority of Americans vote based on governing principles, NOT social issues. That is a hard pill to swallow for most Social Conservatives but tough to swallow or not, it is THE ONLY WAY for us to reshape the GOP, win elections all over America in 2010 and ultimately regain the power needed to affect social policies. But we must not nominate people who will turn their backs on the governing principles of Republicanism. That’s what President Bush and the Republicans in Congress did from 2000-2006 and it caused the GOP to lose overwhelmingly in 2008.
At Take Back The Republican Party we are educating and informing the American people with the message of Republicanism. It is a positive and uplifting message, and we use examples that REAL people can really relate to, and as a result our following is growing with each day that passes. We ARE going to take over the Republican Party and elect candidates who truly believe in Republicanism and will uphold the founding philosophies and principles of our country. We need your help as well, so please join our team. Together we can fix America.
Visit us at www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com to learn more!
So, like many, you be thinking, sounds great, but how do we Take Back The Republican Party? It’s not only a great question, but a very serious one as well.
First, we must understand that Americans fall into one of six categories. On one side are those who believe in Republicanism. On the other side are people who believe in Socialism.
Those who believe in Republicanism as the correct set of governing principles are in favor of:
Low Taxes
Small Government with the best governing happening at the most local level possible
Personal Freedom and Individual Liberties
Rule of Law
Upholding the Constitution
Free Enterprise
Those who believe in Socialism favor:
High Taxes
Big Government
Government that tells you what you can/can’t do/see/hear/read/watch
Reliance on Government
Manipulating Laws and the Constitution to further their political power
Government Ownership of Business
We must then include Social Philosophy as the second ingredient to understand how to win elections. There are 3 types of Social Philosophy – Conservative, Moderate, Liberal. In fact, people with each of the social philosophies are represented within the two different governing principles as follows:
Republicanism – Conservative
Republicanism – Moderate
Republicanism – Liberal
Socialism – Conservative
Socialism – Moderate
Socialism – Liberal
People who believe in Socialist governing principles as well as people who believe in Republicanism that are Moderate and Liberal put their governing principles first, their social philosophy second. Social Conservatives who believe in Republicanism is the one group that puts social philosophy first and governing principles second. This is an extremely important point to understand. The hard fact is, in order for our country to be returned to a path of Social Conservatism, those of us who believe in Republicanism must win back power. The only way to win power is to win elections. The way to win elections is to understand how EVERYONE believes and how they vote.
The Liberal media and the Democrat (Socialist) Party in America, has taken power by:
- Talking Republicanism during campaigns (Tax cuts for 95% of Americans ring a bell?) (And this is PROOF that governing principles move votes more than social issues, whether we like it or not, it is reality.)
- Understanding marketing, creating simple and consistent marketing plans that regular people can relate to.
- Portraying everyone who believes in Republicanism as Conservatives, and convincing people that Conservatives are intolerant, hateful and lack compassion. (All of which is patently untrue, but GOP leadership has failed miserably in creating a platform and message to counter the media.)
Tell me, what was the message that the GOP took to the American people in 2008?
That’s right, there wasn’t one. Hmmmm, no wonder 78% of Americans claim to be Conservative or Moderate in their social views, yet the Liberal candidates won all over America.
This is further proof that, in FACT, it is governing principles that dictate how people vote. The Democrats did a better job of talking Republicanism than the GOP, and as a result, they got more votes. More votes = election victory. Election victory = Power.
Power = Ability to shape governing policies AND social policies.
This is absolutely NOT to say that we should compromise on our Conservative values and beliefs. Rather, it is to explain that, in order to have the power to shape social policies, we must win elections. And, in order to win elections we must understand that the overwhelming majority of Americans vote based on governing principles, NOT social issues. That is a hard pill to swallow for most Social Conservatives but tough to swallow or not, it is THE ONLY WAY for us to reshape the GOP, win elections all over America in 2010 and ultimately regain the power needed to affect social policies. But we must not nominate people who will turn their backs on the governing principles of Republicanism. That’s what President Bush and the Republicans in Congress did from 2000-2006 and it caused the GOP to lose overwhelmingly in 2008.
At Take Back The Republican Party we are educating and informing the American people with the message of Republicanism. It is a positive and uplifting message, and we use examples that REAL people can really relate to, and as a result our following is growing with each day that passes. We ARE going to take over the Republican Party and elect candidates who truly believe in Republicanism and will uphold the founding philosophies and principles of our country. We need your help as well, so please join our team. Together we can fix America.
Visit us at www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com to learn more!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Republicanism the ONLY Path for Social Conservative Agenda
It has become plainly evident over the past number of years that there are numerous points of contention among the American people. For far too long, it has been the divisive ideologies that have been the focus, and the result has been an overwhelming power grab by the Democrat Party. Being a fiscal and social Conservative myself, this has been the impetus for the creation of Take Back The Republican Party. I have no burning desire to become a political activist, nor a craving for the spotlight or political office. Rather, in the fall of 2008 I surveyed the landscape for real leadership and found nothing but barren tundra. So, I asked myself, “If not me, then who….if not now, then when?” and with that began the journey which has seen the successful launch of www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com and with more than 4 out of 5 people I talk with, a rallying around our message and our philosophy for taking back our party and our country.
Liberal Democrats have done a masterful job of finding a great marketing message and they have used it consistently to sway an overwhelming majority of Independents and Moderates to their side, and the result for America has been one which continues to lead us down a disastrous path.
Conservatives, and the Republican Party (and most notably those that have been leading the GOP) have completely lost touch with the pulse of a large portion of the American people. Rather than crafting a message that appeals to the American people, we’ve chosen to focus on divisive issues and as a result, driven away the very people Ronald Reagan used to win the Presidency. How did President Reagan do it? He did it by focusing first and foremost on things that made us proud to be American, and on the things upon which then, like today, 4 out of 5 Americans agree upon. President Reagan was a master marketer. He won the votes of Democrats and Independents not by pushing them away based on differences, but rather by including those groups because of what they DID believe!
There is a great lesson to be learned, and it is the basis for our movement at TBTRP. When exit polling after the 2008 elections showed 44% of Americans to be Moderate and 34% to be Conservative, the only way Republicans can continue to lose elections is by doing what we have been doing….focusing on divisive issues and pushing away the very people who want to vote Republican, but do not feel welcome or included by the GOP.
The reality is there is a better way. Nearly 80% of Americans are united in their desire for:
Low taxes
Small government
States rights and the ability for governing decisions to be made locally and NOT nationally
Welfare reform that keeps compassion in our country and puts the rewarding of achievement back INTO our country
Real immigration reform that welcomes and rewards those that come here legally while discouraging and punishing those that violate our laws by coming here illegally
Preservation and restoration of individual liberties and personal freedoms that government keeps taking away from us.
These are ALL principles and policies of true Republicanism! Republicanism is a set of governing principles which also just happen to be the basis for a simple and consistent marketing message that will get real Republicans elected. And it is only when Republicans get elected and take control of Congress, governor mansions, state legislatures and the like will we actually be able to implement change in social policies.
So, no matter how far right you are on social issues, it is time for us all to realize that the ONLY way to make gains in those areas is to win elections. The only way to win elections is to once again make the Republican Party the party of inclusion, the party of limited government and individual liberties and personal freedoms. And that does NOT mean we have to compromise on our personal beliefs or social philosophy in order to win elections.
If we continue down the divisive path we have taken over the last 15+ years, we will continue to alienate the very people we need to include. And as we include, we can use that as opportunity to teach and educate in a positive, compassionate and inclusive way.
Ours is a country under God, built on ideals that government has no place interfering in the private lives of citizens and that government which governs least governs best. God has patience, compassion, understanding and a willingness to teach and educate….it is time we follow in that example and come together around things we agree upon to build consensus and understanding so that we may tackle the issues upon which we are not as yet unified.
Please join our team. Together we can fix America. Visit us at www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com to learn more!
Liberal Democrats have done a masterful job of finding a great marketing message and they have used it consistently to sway an overwhelming majority of Independents and Moderates to their side, and the result for America has been one which continues to lead us down a disastrous path.
Conservatives, and the Republican Party (and most notably those that have been leading the GOP) have completely lost touch with the pulse of a large portion of the American people. Rather than crafting a message that appeals to the American people, we’ve chosen to focus on divisive issues and as a result, driven away the very people Ronald Reagan used to win the Presidency. How did President Reagan do it? He did it by focusing first and foremost on things that made us proud to be American, and on the things upon which then, like today, 4 out of 5 Americans agree upon. President Reagan was a master marketer. He won the votes of Democrats and Independents not by pushing them away based on differences, but rather by including those groups because of what they DID believe!
There is a great lesson to be learned, and it is the basis for our movement at TBTRP. When exit polling after the 2008 elections showed 44% of Americans to be Moderate and 34% to be Conservative, the only way Republicans can continue to lose elections is by doing what we have been doing….focusing on divisive issues and pushing away the very people who want to vote Republican, but do not feel welcome or included by the GOP.
The reality is there is a better way. Nearly 80% of Americans are united in their desire for:
Low taxes
Small government
States rights and the ability for governing decisions to be made locally and NOT nationally
Welfare reform that keeps compassion in our country and puts the rewarding of achievement back INTO our country
Real immigration reform that welcomes and rewards those that come here legally while discouraging and punishing those that violate our laws by coming here illegally
Preservation and restoration of individual liberties and personal freedoms that government keeps taking away from us.
These are ALL principles and policies of true Republicanism! Republicanism is a set of governing principles which also just happen to be the basis for a simple and consistent marketing message that will get real Republicans elected. And it is only when Republicans get elected and take control of Congress, governor mansions, state legislatures and the like will we actually be able to implement change in social policies.
So, no matter how far right you are on social issues, it is time for us all to realize that the ONLY way to make gains in those areas is to win elections. The only way to win elections is to once again make the Republican Party the party of inclusion, the party of limited government and individual liberties and personal freedoms. And that does NOT mean we have to compromise on our personal beliefs or social philosophy in order to win elections.
If we continue down the divisive path we have taken over the last 15+ years, we will continue to alienate the very people we need to include. And as we include, we can use that as opportunity to teach and educate in a positive, compassionate and inclusive way.
Ours is a country under God, built on ideals that government has no place interfering in the private lives of citizens and that government which governs least governs best. God has patience, compassion, understanding and a willingness to teach and educate….it is time we follow in that example and come together around things we agree upon to build consensus and understanding so that we may tackle the issues upon which we are not as yet unified.
Please join our team. Together we can fix America. Visit us at www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com to learn more!
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