I received an e-mail from a meetup group I belong to...it talked about how making 30,000 calls to Congress did somethng or other....below is the response I wrote to that board.....
"I will caution you....thumping our chests, stomping our feet and making 30,000 calls to Congress are all well and good, but they do not solve the problem.
The only thing that will solve the problems is to understand that we are not in a battle between Democrats and Republicans, but we are in an epic war between Republicanism and Socialism....and right now, Socialism is winning.
Why is Socialism winning? A couple of reasons. First, the people the have been in charge of leading the GOP for the past 15 or so years have abused their power and not lived up to the principles of Republicanism that almost every American agrees is the way government needs to operate. The GOP has repeatedly nominated RINO's, when they should have been finding and nominating and getting elected REAL Republicans. Remember, a RINO is someone who is a liberal politician that believes in Socialism and expands government, wants more people dependent on government so as to secure votes, and will not stand up and LEAD. A REAL Republican will not only talk the principles of Republicanism, but will stand up and lead and act on those principles. During the 90's when the GOP controlled Congress, we should have seen a shrinking of the size and scope of the federal government by 75%. They failed, no matter what Newt tells you. From 2000-2006 the GOP again was in charge of Congress AND the White House, but these were not REAL Republicans. They are all RINO's and they all FAILED at shrinking the federal government, instead, they spent like the liberal socialists that they are, and again, they let US down. For example, go look at Sue Myrick's record. She is not the great conservative Republican she claims to be.....she voted against the stimulus until the Democrats sweetened the pot for her....then she voted for it. Look at her record from 2000-2006....she was a free spending, big government lib.
This is not to attack Rep Myrick or Newt or anyone else individually. Rather, it is to point out the fact that calling Congress, stomping feet, looking for third party options, or other radical things is just NOT what we need to be doing.
What we need to do is mobilize together, take over the county and state and national GOP groups, kick out those who are not absolute and die hard believers and leaders of Republicanism (small govt, low taxes, individual liberty, upholding and enforcing the Constitution, returning governing power to the state and local levels). We need to come together as an organized group, under one leadership vision. To Take Back THe Republican Party, find, recruit, fund and elect REAL Republicans who will defend AMerica, the Constitution and our way of life against Socialism.
On our site, www.TakeBackTheRepublicanParty.com we have a ticker. It is the number of days, hours and minutes until the 2010 elections. We have to get moving NOW, before another day is wasted.
We must understand that elections are won all over America by the candidate who has the most simple and understandable message of Republicanism. The most liberal US Senator won the Presidency in 2008 because he ran his campaign around a singular message of Republicanism "Tax cuts for 95% of the American people". "Our" candidate and party had no message. And "our" party did not focus on Republicanism.
The beauty of Republicanism is that it is a set of governing principles that does not require you to compromise on your social beliefs. Rather, it is THE ONLY set of governing principles that insure you are able to keep those beliefs and that the government can do nothing to infringe upon those beliefs, ie your individual liberties.
This is a really, really important time in the history of the United States of America. Continuing to do what we have done (be complacent, complain, but still sit on the sidelines thinking we are helpless) is not the right way to move forward. The right thing to do, for our parents, our children, grandchildren and all future generations of Americans is to understand that we all agree on the same things - we want and need dramatically lower taxes, a federal government less than half the size it is today, restoration and preservation of the Constitution and all of the freedoms and liberties granted to us under that amazing document, return of governing decisions to the most local level possible. Is any single one of us going to get "our" way in how the details of each of these things play out? The answer is NO. But, if we get a 50% cut in income taxes, elimination of the capital gains tax, federal government that only has 2 departments (Defense and Justice) and defense of the Constitution.....who among us would really complain???????????????????
But it requires that we come together, locally, regionally and nationally. It requires that we kick out the good old "boy" network of political favors and favoritism, put people of principled leadership in charge, and nominate leaders to run for office against the politicians.
That is why I have spent my own money to start up and stand up Take Back The Republican Party. Not for any personal gain, but because it is something that must be done. It's time for the generations that have come after the Baby Boomers to do something real to make our parents proud, strengthen our country, and make it possible for our children and future generations to live life free from tyranny and full of individual liberty.
I look forward to meeting you at the meeting next week. I encourage you to get on board with us - we are working to build a group of 500 people who will all meet at one location, and 10 wide and 50 deep, walk into the July 4th Tea Party in Charlotte arm in arm and make an absolute statement to everyone watching and everyone in attendance that business as usual is not good enough for America any longer.
The time for divisiveness has passed. It is time for us to rally around our common belief in the principles of Republicanism, fix what is wrong with government and strengthen our country. There is NO issue more important or mission more vital to freedom than this movement.
And, as Ronald Reagan was famous for saying, "If you agree with me on 80% of the issues, you ARE my friend." That's the attitude we need to fix our country!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Try this on for size (actually I can't think of a good title for this one, but please read anyway)
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