Saturday, May 9, 2009

Republicanism the ONLY Path for Social Conservative Agenda

It has become plainly evident over the past number of years that there are numerous points of contention among the American people. For far too long, it has been the divisive ideologies that have been the focus, and the result has been an overwhelming power grab by the Democrat Party. Being a fiscal and social Conservative myself, this has been the impetus for the creation of Take Back The Republican Party. I have no burning desire to become a political activist, nor a craving for the spotlight or political office. Rather, in the fall of 2008 I surveyed the landscape for real leadership and found nothing but barren tundra. So, I asked myself, “If not me, then who….if not now, then when?” and with that began the journey which has seen the successful launch of .

So, like many, you be thinking, sounds great, but how do we Take Back The Republican Party? It’s not only a great question, but a very serious one as well.

First, we must understand that Americans fall into one of six categories. On one side are those who believe in Republicanism. On the other side are people who believe in Socialism.

Those who believe in Republicanism as the correct set of governing principles are in favor of:
Low Taxes
Small Government with the best governing happening at the most local level possible
Personal Freedom and Individual Liberties
Rule of Law
Upholding the Constitution
Free Enterprise

Those who believe in Socialism favor:
High Taxes
Big Government
Government that tells you what you can/can’t do/see/hear/read/watch
Reliance on Government
Manipulating Laws and the Constitution to further their political power
Government Ownership of Business

We must then include Social Philosophy as the second ingredient to understand how to win elections. There are 3 types of Social Philosophy – Conservative, Moderate, Liberal. In fact, people with each of the social philosophies are represented within the two different governing principles as follows:

Republicanism – Conservative
Republicanism – Moderate
Republicanism – Liberal
Socialism – Conservative
Socialism – Moderate
Socialism – Liberal

People who believe in Socialist governing principles as well as people who believe in Republicanism that are Moderate and Liberal put their governing principles first, their social philosophy second. Social Conservatives who believe in Republicanism is the one group that puts social philosophy first and governing principles second. This is an extremely important point to understand. The hard fact is, in order for our country to be returned to a path of Social Conservatism, those of us who believe in Republicanism must win back power. The only way to win power is to win elections. The way to win elections is to understand how EVERYONE believes and how they vote.

The Liberal media and the Democrat (Socialist) Party in America, has taken power by:
- Talking Republicanism during campaigns (Tax cuts for 95% of Americans ring a bell?) (And this is PROOF that governing principles move votes more than social issues, whether we like it or not, it is reality.)
- Understanding marketing, creating simple and consistent marketing plans that regular people can relate to.
- Portraying everyone who believes in Republicanism as Conservatives, and convincing people that Conservatives are intolerant, hateful and lack compassion. (All of which is patently untrue, but GOP leadership has failed miserably in creating a platform and message to counter the media.)

Tell me, what was the message that the GOP took to the American people in 2008?

That’s right, there wasn’t one. Hmmmm, no wonder 78% of Americans claim to be Conservative or Moderate in their social views, yet the Liberal candidates won all over America.

This is further proof that, in FACT, it is governing principles that dictate how people vote. The Democrats did a better job of talking Republicanism than the GOP, and as a result, they got more votes. More votes = election victory. Election victory = Power.
Power = Ability to shape governing policies AND social policies.

This is absolutely NOT to say that we should compromise on our Conservative values and beliefs. Rather, it is to explain that, in order to have the power to shape social policies, we must win elections. And, in order to win elections we must understand that the overwhelming majority of Americans vote based on governing principles, NOT social issues. That is a hard pill to swallow for most Social Conservatives but tough to swallow or not, it is THE ONLY WAY for us to reshape the GOP, win elections all over America in 2010 and ultimately regain the power needed to affect social policies. But we must not nominate people who will turn their backs on the governing principles of Republicanism. That’s what President Bush and the Republicans in Congress did from 2000-2006 and it caused the GOP to lose overwhelmingly in 2008.
At Take Back The Republican Party we are educating and informing the American people with the message of Republicanism. It is a positive and uplifting message, and we use examples that REAL people can really relate to, and as a result our following is growing with each day that passes. We ARE going to take over the Republican Party and elect candidates who truly believe in Republicanism and will uphold the founding philosophies and principles of our country. We need your help as well, so please join our team. Together we can fix America.
Visit us at to learn more!

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